240 为什么要“摇腿”?
原 文:
Come on, shake a leg!
原 译:
辨 析:
叫人“摇摇腿”是什么意思?leg是一个常用词,在英语里可以构成许多习语,有时从字面上不太好猜出确切意思,例如我们在第125条中讲过,pull someone's leg不是“拖后腿”而是“开玩笑/愚弄某人”。
shake a leg本来是一则俚语,有两个意思,一是“跳舞”,二是“赶快”。现在多用于口语中表示第二个意思,是叫人抓紧时间或赶快行动。如:We'd better shake a leg, or we'll miss the bus.(我们得抓紧点儿,要不就赶不上公共汽车了。)注意: shake a free / loose leg 却是“放荡”的意思。
The boy took to his leg as soon as the police turned around.警察一转身,那男孩撒腿就跑。
You have your hands on thousands, you fools, and you hang a leg!你们这群傻瓜,一伸手就可以拿到几千块钱,可你们却犹豫不决。
Now, you must put your best leg foremost, old lady!咳,赶紧快走呀,老太太!
The boss is coming. Everyone has to show a leg. 老板要来了,所有人都得露个面儿。
I have to stretch my legs after sitting in the office for three hours.我在办公室里坐了三个小时,得遛遛腿。(“放松放松,伸伸手脚”说stretch oneself。)
I think we have to stretch our legs according to the coverlet. 我看我们只能根据现有的条件想办法了。(注意,由于有了状语according to the coverlet,意思不一样了,不过可以推论得出来:腿伸到毯子盖不到的地方会冷的。)
Let's try it on the other leg as this method doesn't seem to work.既然这个法子看来不管用,咱们试试另一个办法吧。(因为一个人只有两条腿,所以这一短语常指最后一个办法。)
legs还可以指“经久不衰的能力”或“持久的影响力”,如 :We all believe that movie will have legs.(我们都相信这部影片会产生长时期的轰动效应。)
此外,leg也可直接用作动词:Let's leg it.(咱们走着去吧。)