苏州园林是中国古典园林的最杰出的代表。苏州园林一直被认为是中国园艺 (horticulture)的精髓 (quintessence)。与皇家园林相比,苏州园林表现出了纯正、高尚、淡雅,而且不受拘束 (free from conventions)。苏州以园林见长,目前拥有100多座园林,其中有四处极为重要的私家园林 (private gardens):拙政园、留园、沧浪亭和狮子林。拙政园是苏州园林中最大、最著名的一座。留园以奇石而出名。沧浪亭在苏州现存诸多园林中历史最为悠久。狮子林为元代园林的代表。
1. 与……相比:翻译为compared with。这里compared是被动语态。此处还可以用compare的名词形式comparison表示比较,如by comparison, in comparison with。
2. 不受拘束:翻译为free from conventions。free from意为“免于……,不受……的拘束”。
3. 拥有100多座园林:has a collection of more than 100 gardens。a collection of意为“许多的”。
4. 以……而出名:翻译为has a reputation for...。这里也可以用be famous for这个常见的词组,但是鉴于前文中已经出现了famous,所以这里最好不要重复。表达同样意思的搭配还有be well-known for, be noted for等。
Suzhou Gardens
As the most outstanding representatives of Chinese classical gardens, Suzhou gardens have long been considered the quintessence of Chinese horticulture. Compared with royal gardens, they are pure, lofty, elegant and free from conventions. Suzhou is a place of gardens and up to now has a collection of more than 100 gardens, among which the following four are private gardens of great significance: Zhuozheng Garden (the Humble Administrator's Garden), Liu Garden (the Lingering Garden), Canglang Pavilion (the Surging Waves Pavilion) and ShiziLin (the Lion Forest Garden). The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest and most famous one of gardens in Suzhou. The Lingering Garden has a reputation for rare stones. The Surging Waves Pavilion is the oldest garden among the existing classical gardens of Suzhou. The Lion Forest Garden is the representative of gardens of the Yuan Dynasty.
苏州是中国著名的国家级历史文化名城,有“人间天堂,园林之城”的美誉(good reputation)。苏州园林是对中国江苏省苏州市的山水园林建筑的统称,又称“苏州古典园林”。苏州园林吸收了江南园林建筑艺术的精华,是中国优秀的文化遗产。苏州园林以私家园林为主,起始于春秋时期吴国建都姑苏时,形成于五代,成熟于宋代,兴旺鼎盛于明清,到清末苏州已有各色园林一百七十多处。1985年,苏州园林即被评为中国十大美景之一。1997年,苏州古典园林作为中国园林的代表被列入《世界遗产名录》。苏州园林主要有沧浪亭、狮子林、拙政园、留园、网师园、怡园等。2007年拙政园成为我国首批国家5A级旅游景区。