毫无疑问,人人都渴望财富。通过辛苦的劳动来获取财富,积累财富,这让我们很幸福,也很满足。某种程度上,财富能够带来幸福,特别是在现代社会里。各种现代化的家用电器 (household appliances)和电子娱乐设备日新月异,这些新鲜的事物都让我们的生活更舒适、更丰富多彩。虽然没有金钱,我们可能就无法拥有这些体验。但如果财富脱离了幸福,就会产生各种各样的问题。所以,无论如何都不要把财富和幸福等同起来,更不要认为财富是创造幸福的唯一方法。
1. 渴望:可译为long for或yearn for。
2. 积累:可译为accumulate,注意该词的拼写。
3. 日新月异:指发展变化迅速,可直译为change rapidly或者alter from day to day。
4. 脱离:可翻译为短语separate oneself from或者break away from。
5. 无论如何……不要:可用on no account表示,该词组放在句首时,后面的句子要倒装。
Wealth and Happiness
Beyond doubt, all the people long for wealth. We acquire and accumulate wealth by hard work, which makes us happy and satisfied. There is no doubt that wealth brings happiness to some extent, especially in the modern society. Various up-to-date household appliances and electronic equipments for leisure and recreation alter from day to day. All these new things make our life more comfortable and colorful. Without money we may not experience all of these. However, if wealth separates itself from happiness, it will lead to various problems. On no account can we identify wealth with happiness and never reckon only on wealth to achieve happiness.