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    Martial arts have a long history in China and are a treasure of traditional Chinese culture. We understand that the outstanding cultural heritage of a nation does not belong solely to that nation; it gradually spreads to the world and becomes a common asset of humanity. To better promote martial arts and align it with Olympic events, the Chinese Wushu Association and the International Wushu Federation have undertaken tremendous and arduous efforts. Nowadays, martial arts have been listed as an Olympic demonstration sport with a status equal to bowling and international standard dance. The vigorous development of martial arts is not only due to the attraction of the sport itself, but also owes a great deal to the first generation of martial arts masters who emigrated overseas. These old-generation martial artists planted the seeds of martial arts overseas, enabling this sport, which can both defend oneself and promote fitness, to quickly take root in new lands. Today, highly skilled martial arts masters are scattered all over the world, and the number of martial arts enthusiasts is increasing day by day.


    源远流长:be of long standing 或 have a long history


    传播到世界:spread to the world

    奥运项目接轨:align with Olympic events

    中国武协:Chinese Wushu Association

    国际武联:International Wushu Federation

    奥运表演项目:Olympic demonstration sport

    播种下了武术的种子:planted the seeds of martial arts

    扎下了根:take root

    高超的武术大师:highly skilled martial arts masters

    武术爱好者:martial arts enthusiasts

    与日俱增:increase day by day


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