To and fro on the long road 写给那条漫漫长路
Do you really want to go? 你是否真的想踏上它远走?
A fragile heart feels so bold 易碎的心此刻却如此坚勇
That face is one I used to know 那也曾是我的模样
Apprehension forms like a cloud 不安的情绪凝聚成阴云
And marks the land on which we stand 漂浮在你我脚下的这片土地上空
Can’t see the way eyes in shroud 蒙住的双眼看不清前方的路
A tale that we all understand 一个声音讲述着那我们悉知的传说
I climbed a mountain up to the sky 我沿那直入云霄的山峰攀缘
Let the trail marks fall behind 让脚印遍布在山间
I held the world aloft in my hands 我曾经拥有着一切
Yet I had nothing but a guise 如今都飘散如烟
A swirling torment wrapped around 无穷尽的苦痛在心里盘旋
And left me empty inside 最后只留给我空虚的躯壳
But a word to the wise 但智者之言曾向你我昭示
Ordinary road is life’s true prize 那生活的馈赠就蕴藏在最平凡的路途间
While you dream of what tomorrow brings 当你仍然还在幻想明天
Will you feel joy or cruel dismay? 可曾感受过喜悦与悲痛的交织?
Lie with laymen or stand beside kings 情愿世俗一生亦或站在那王者的身边享受荣华
For me it’s just another day 于我而言这都只是另外的一天
I rid myself of all I’d obtained 我抛却了从前的一切
So I could move to a new plane 好让自己走向新的起点
A chance to save myself from abyss 终于有了从深渊中拯救自己的机会
Could not escape I was helpless 那时的我无处可躲无助绝望
I used to be like you like him her 我曾经像你像他
Wild flowers in the mist 像那迷雾中绽放的野花
Growing wild and running free 自由无拘的生长随心所欲的奔跑
Living life just being ordinary 生活着平凡着
I climbed a mountain up to the sky 我沿那直入云霄的山峰攀缘
Let the trails marks fall behind 让脚印遍布在山间
Questions of life they stifled my voice 我曾经质问人生
Could find no answers only choice 没有答案 只有抉择
I am just like you like him her 我不过像你像他
Wild flowers in the mist 像那迷雾中绽放的野花
On our predetermined paths 走在那既定的生命轨迹上
We journey through the looking glass 旅行在那镜花水月之中
Time has no sound is silenced 时间无息无声
Tomorrow’s dawn is already here 明天旋即到来
There are storms on the road ahead 前路依然坎坷
Where will your story now be led? 你的故事讲到了哪儿?