B**ch, I'm 21 but I still walk around with fake ID (What?)
女孩 哥21了依然揣着假证件到处闲逛
Cuddle with the homies watching "Stand by Me" (Cute)
和弟兄们坐在一起 观看伴我同行
This d**k ain't free, baby, pay my fee (Bread)
对你的恩赐可不是施舍 快支付我些小费
Let me live my life, baby, c'est la vie
让我恣意享受人生吧 宝贝 这就是生活
Whoo whoo, c'est la vie
芜湖 这就是生活
Whoo whoo, c'est la vie
芜湖 这就是生活
Tall b**ch, I Attack on Titan
高挑妹子 我对她发起攻略
Need a fine VP like Biden
等哥上位 得找个登子这样的二把手
Trap that purp into gold like a viking (Uh)
像维京人那样 每日徜徉在金银财宝中
Double cup ice like Tampa Lightning
双杯中盛满宝石 坦帕湾闪电队般风驰电掣
Double cup, ain't no lean
两手握着酒杯 绝不倾洒分毫
Only sip syrup when I'm with Chief Keef
当我和Chief Keef碰头 我们唯余畅饮美酒
Play clean, pipe Christine
手法光明磊落 呼叫克里斯汀
I pipe correct, I'm so P.C.
一语成谶 哥们实在流批
Go to the club and I don't even drink
混迹在俱乐部 却不沾一滴酒饮
I dunno what to think
Gotta girl with me
And we pop in the kitchen
D**k on hard, my n**s on a mission
I got cash, I got coins on my mileage
手中大把钞票挥霍 想当年我还只用零钱钢镚
EDD, credit looking childish
EDD 你的信用看起来是如此幼稚
Your girlfriend just changed her name to my b**ch
我会让你的女友将你背弃 成为我的女人
She got LASIK, got nut on her iris (Nut on her iris?)
她做了激光手术 虹膜凸得像个坚果
Board in the mom, yeah, just like a virus
清晨倍感无趣 像一粒病毒一样无聊
Tongue game nutty, I ain't talking osiris
疯疯癫癫的口舌之争 我不是在指欧西里斯 (埃及神话中的冥王)
Pulled up on da booty, yeah, we some pirates
欣赏着满地的战利品 我们仿佛一帮海盗
I don't know why, we got huge privates (Woah)
不知为何我们总是能力超群 展露 雄风
I guess we kind of blessed, I can't complain about it (Uh)
想必我们是幸运的那类人 我想我无从抱怨
Every day I get another check, I won't complain about it
每天都会收到一张新的支票 不 我不会吐槽
B**ch, I'm 21 but I still walk around with fake ID (What?)
女孩 哥21了依然揣着假证件到处闲逛
Cuddle with the homies watching "Stand by Me" (Cute)
和弟兄们坐在一起 观看伴我同行
This d**k ain't free, baby, pay my fee (Bread)
对你的恩赐可不是施舍 快支付我些小费
Let me live my life, baby, c'est la vie
让我恣意享受人生吧 宝贝 这就是生活
Whoo whoo, c'est la vie
芜湖 这就是生活
Whoo whoo, c'est la vie
芜湖 这就是生活
Bubble bath in a bucket of cash
浴缸里享受着泡泡浴 身边放着一桶现金
When ya b**ch said "Gravy, put it in my ass"
当你的婊贝对你说 "快来浅尝一下"
Let's run it (Uh) 'cause you kindly asked
那就让我们尽情交欢 毕竟是你好心要求
I guess I'll be a gentleman and bust and smash
我是个彬彬有礼的绅士 但我马上就要撕破伪装
But then you gotta help me smoke this gas
随后请你帮我点燃汽油 将氛围营造起来
Count some cash and trap some hash
边手中数着钞票 边一起吞云吐雾
And then I need a ride to my cook'n class
然后我须与你驰骋 品尝你甜美的味道
Gravy train "Choo! choo!" on that ass
火车轰鸣 开入你丰满双臀间的隧道
Skrrt in a mediocre, whip down Fairfax
斯科特站在中间 击败费尔法克斯
B**ch, I'm a king, you a peasant in the barracks (B**ch)
碧池 哥是国王 你个贫民靠边稍稍
Chillin' with a porn star, life like a IMAX
与A片女星尽享欢愉 生活如同IMAX电影
F**k grammar one time, no syntax
激动得语无伦次 去他的那些语法规则
Cock real hard, yeah, I'm horny for the big racks
擎天柱如此惊人 我对你如此饥渴
Crack my n**s, she can juice my gonads
敲击着我 她能让我的腺体不断充血
Baby yes popstar, Selena Gomez
宝贝 你美若天仙就像Selena Gomez
Always make big moves, last name nomad
总是闷声干大事 我的姓是Nomad
Troll so much, made a song called "you mad!"
网络喷子数不胜数 那就给他们写首歌 就叫 你们真是疯了
Next bar Gravy says I wrote, he mad
去往下个酒吧 我写下歌词 钱款轻易进账
Baby, c'est la vie
宝贝 这就是人生
Finger lick'n good, like it's KFC
嘬指作叹 疯狂星期四的肯德基般美好
I learned to count a mil', before my ABCs
F**k yo Delta-8, yo b**ch ate my D
与芭比娃娃般的你交欢 直到你全部吞下
Rich Brian/bbno$
B**ch, I'm 21 but I still walk around with fake ID (What?)
女孩 哥21了依然揣着假证件到处闲逛 (啥?)
Cuddle with the homies watching "Stand by Me" (Cute)
和弟兄们坐在一起 观看伴我同行
This d**k ain't free, baby, pay my fee (Bread)
对你的恩赐可不是施舍 快支付我些小费
Let me live my life, baby, c'est la vie
让我恣意享受人生吧 宝贝 这就是生活
Whoo whoo, c'est la vie
芜湖 这就是生活