教程:时尚话题  浏览:4387  
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           There is only one useful indicator of a man's self-image: his wristwatch. Once that jacket sleeve creeps up, the sole piece of acceptable jewelry beyond a wedding ring reveals the wearer's sense of taste and occasion.


      Watch sellers employ a logical Italian dictum: a well-dressed man owns at least three timepieces. The day watch is most important: it is the watch that suits your occupation. If you're in finance, sobriety is all your watch must offer beyond the time. If you work in the media or the arts, you can be more eccentric. If your occupation involves specific tasks -- from ambulance driver, to insurance broker, to 747 pilot -- then, just as with iPhone apps, 'there are watches for that.'


      For watch No. 2, you have more scope. This is your dress-down timepiece, worn everywhere from the beach to the ski slopes or for pottering around in the garden. Whether a sub-GBP 50 Swatch, or a close-to-unbreakable Rolex, it will mean you don't have to worry about a quick dive in the pool or a round of golf. This is your casual watch.


      Last is the dress watch. If you find yourself wearing black tie more than once a year, or if film premieres, opera visits or smart restaurant bookings keep appearing in your diary, your day watch may lack occasion. For this final part of the trilogy, you may go one of two ways: a classical, slim, time-only gold dress watch -- or blatant bling. The presence of diamonds on your watch will accomplish this for you.


      Where to start? One's first watch is often a gift -- anything from a Timex on up -- received at graduation, confirmation, first job or Bar Mitzvah. It will never be exactly what you want, but you will wear and cherish it from your teens until your first pay check. Then you will be seduced by TAG Heuer, Omega or Rolex, depending on your budget. It will be your first 'real' watch.

      具体怎么选呢?第一块手表往往都是别人送的,从天美时(Timex)起,不一而足。收到的场合可能是毕业,转正,找到第一份工作,也可能是成年礼。这块手表从来不会完全符合你的期望,但你会戴着它,珍惜它,从十几岁一直到拿到第一份工资。然后你会被豪雅(TAG Heuer)、欧米茄(Omega)或劳力士诱惑,选哪一款就看你的预算。这将是你第一块“真正的”手表。

      Buying well is the key, and it's not as tricky as you might think. As master watchmaker Peter Roberts observed: 'There really are no bad watches out there, because they all have to perform the same basic function and perform it well: tell the time. Manufacturing standards are impossibly high. So you should buy according to your budget and your taste.'

      选对手表非常重要,但可能也没有你想象的那么复杂。正如大师级手表工匠罗伯茨(Peter Roberts)所言,其实并不存在不好的手表,因为它们都要发挥同样的基本功能,并且也发挥得很好:显示时间。制造标准高得无法想象,所以你应该根据自己的预算和喜好来买。

      上一篇:美女必读:打造夏日清凉发型 下一篇:性感红色 魅力无穷


