
Don’t say: “Lots of people are worse off than you are.”
Even if this is true, it doesn’t feel that way at the moment, and does not help your loved one. Being told she is needlessly feeling sorry for herself could make her feel even worse.
Don’t say: “No one ever said life was fair.”
This comes off as a dismissal of your friend’s feelings.
Don’t say: “Stop feeling sorry for yourself.”
Your friend does not know how to stop feeling depressed. Depression is a physical illness, like diabetes or heart disease, and sufferers cannot get over it just by trying harder.
Don’t say: “So you’re depressed. Aren’t you always?”
This minimizes what can be a serious disorder.
Don’t say: “It’s your own fault.”
No one chooses depression.
Don’t say: “Believe me, I know how you feel. I was once depressed for several days.”
Depression is different from just feeling sad or blue.