If you’re suffering from dry skin, then caring for it is one of your most important concerns. There are many levels of dry skin. It goes from occasionally dry to the extreme cracking of the skin dry. For the mild occasional dryness, a basic moisturizer could be used daily during the times your skin is drying out.
Also to make things easier try not to use hot water or tap water on your face. The tap water has deposits when tend to take a toll on your face drying it out. Mineral water is the best thing you can use when washing your face. The minerals give back to your skin what it has lost. When you’re ready to dry your face, lightly pat it with a dry towel. This will cause less irritation to your skin as well.
Another way to help to prevent and heal dry skin is to use a cleanser that has a neutral pH. These types of cleansers don’t have any detergents in them that irritate your skin. Try using baby oil on your skin right out of the shower. This will help to hold moisture in your skin and it will not look or feel as dry as usual. Showers depending on the temperature of the water tend to cause dryness on your skin. The hotter the shower is, the worse it is for skin.