STOYN Ice Cream is an unique design experiment that brought together 10 of the most iconic figures in world culture and embodied their images into ice cream. Worldwide superheroes – Vladimir Mayakovsky, Darth Vader, Ernesto Che Guevara, Donald Duck, Marilyn Monroe, Mickey Mouse and Mario – their strength, character and talent were materialized in organic tastes of ice cream STOYN. Cranberry with vodka (Mayakovsky), blueberry with licorice (Darth Vader) and mate with rum (Che Guevara) – every taste reflects the role of these individuals in the global culture.
STOYN冰激凌做了一个与众不同的设计,根据世界上十个偶像人物的形象制作了一组冰激凌。世界级超级偶像——马雅可夫斯基,达斯·维达,埃内斯托·切·格瓦拉,唐老鸭,玛丽莲·梦露,米老鼠和马里奥——他们的力量、性格和才气都STOYN冰激凌的有机口味形象化了。伏特加和蔓越橘口味,甘草和蓝莓口味 和巴拉圭茶和朗姆酒口味——每一种口味都反映了全球文化中这些人的角色。