六招防虫术 远离并被虫子叮咬的烦恼
教程:时尚话题  浏览:2016  
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    Ah, summer. 'Tis the season of barbecues and bare feet. Unfortunately, it's also the season of bug bites and bee stings. Be proactive this season and keep the pesky critters at bay. Here's how:

    1. Avoid perfume and sweet-smelling beauty products. 别搽香水和其他气味香甜的美容产品
    Insects flock to flowers, so is it any wonder they're attracted to fragrant skin, clothes and hair as well? If you're planning to spend time outdoors, opt for fragrance-free beauty products and skip the perfume or cologne. If you don't mind smelling downright unappealing, some folks swear that eating pungent garlic or onions actually repels mosquitoes and other insects.

    2. Dress down. 尽量穿浅色的衣服
    Unfortunately for those whose sartorial style tends toward the flamboyant, brightly colored clothes with loud patterns or flowers and sparkly or colorful jewelry attract stinging and biting insects such as bees, wasps, and mosquitoes. Avoid the annoying critters by dressing in earth tones or muted colors instead.

    3. Keep your eye on your cup. 让虫子远离你的食物和饮料
    The last thing you want to do is swallow something that can sting you. Insects love sweet beverages, so be sure to look before you sip at picnics, barbecues, and other outdoor soirees.

    4. Go barefoot at your own risk. 不要光脚在草地上走动
    Bees hover around low-growing clover and yellow jackets actually live in the ground. Keep those tender feet safe from stingers by wearing shoes on grassy fields or lawns.

    5. Watch out for hives and nests. 注意隐匿处的虫子窝
    This may sound obvious, but beehives and wasp nests are often anything but. Insects tend to build their hives in nooks and crannies, like beneath the eave of a roof, under a gutter, or in the crook of a tree branch. Clean, garden, clip and mow with caution!

    6. Remain calm. 遇到虫子保持冷静
    This old chestnut bears repeating. When you do come in contact with a stinging or biting insect, making sudden movements or trying to shoo away the offender is the last thing you should do. Instead, slowly and calmly moving out of the insect's way is the safest way to avoid getting bitten or stung.

      上一篇:十招教你过快乐的七夕节,不看后悔哦! 下一篇:九个方法让你学会乐观


