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      A Chef in the Field: Cauliflower


      Last week, the first really cold air of the season came to the east end of Long Island. With the wind cutting through my fall jacket, I visited Balsam Farm in East Hampton looking for signs of life. At first, all I saw were cleared fields of neatly tilled soil with some rows of rye cover crop beginning to sprout. It looked like it was time to start looking below ground for potatoes and beets. Then I saw what looked looked at first like a mirage in the distance. Soon enough, I waded into a vibrant field of cauliflower, brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale and cabbage. These plants, the last ones standing, are all members of the hearty brassicaceae family of vegetables.

      上周,本季第一股真正的冷空气来到长岛东端。顶着穿透秋装的寒风,我在东汉普顿巴尔萨姆农场(Balsam Farm)寻找生命的迹象。一开始,我只看到开阔的田野上是耕好的土壤,几排黑麦覆盖作物开始发芽。似乎这时候只能去地底下翻些土豆和甜菜根。然后,我看到远处有些奇迹般的东西。我很快精神饱满地钻进一片茂盛的田地,里面种着花菜、球芽甘蓝、西兰花、羽衣甘蓝和卷心菜。这些在冬季里最后挺立的蔬菜都是健壮的十字花科的成员。

      I decided to cook that day with cauliflower and brussels sprouts. For years, I’ve been mining vegetarian restaurants for interesting dishes to serve on more mainstream menus. One I’ve been seeing recently is cauliflower couscous, in which the cauliflower serves as a replacement for the couscous. It’s a gluten-free substitute that can be as good as the genuine article — better, even. I planned to try my hand at it, with some shaved brussels sprouts to add color. The dish, it turns out, is simple to make and astonishingly good. Just take a head of cauliflower, chop it and then pulse in a food processor until it has the consistency of couscous. Simmer it in water flavored with herbs and zest for five minutes. That’s it — done. Add whatever you would to a normal couscous dish. This technique is pure gold.


      Cauliflower Couscous with Brussels Sprouts


      Yield: 4-6 servings


      1 medium head cauliflower


      2 cups water


      1 tablespoon lemon zest


      1 bay leaf


      1/4 cup olive oil, plus extra if necessary


      3 shallots, thinly sliced


      1 teaspoon dried chili flakes

      1 茶匙干辣椒片

      1 pint brussels sprouts, thinly sliced

      1 品脱球芽甘蓝,切成细丝



      1. Roughly chop the cauliflower into 2-inch florets.

      1. 把花菜大致切成两英寸长的碎片。

      2. Place the chopped cauliflower in a food processor and pulse until it becomes the consistency of couscous, about 45 seconds.

      2. 把切好的花菜放入食品加工机中,脉动加工至跟粗面粉接近,大约需要45秒钟。

      3. In a large sauté pan, bring the water, lemon zest and bay leaf to a simmer. Add about 1/2 tablespoon of salt to the water. Add the cauliflower and cook for five minutes, or until cauliflower becomes tender. Drain any excess water and set aside.

      3. 在一个大煎锅里加入水、柠檬皮屑和月桂叶,用小火煮。往水中加入大约1/2汤匙盐。加入花菜煮五分钟或煮至花菜变软。把多余的水分滤掉,放到一边。

      4. To a separate large sauté pan set over medium heat, add the olive oil, thinly sliced shallots and dried chili flakes. Sauté until the shallots become translucent, about 3 minutes.

      4. 把另一个大煎锅放到中火上加热,放入橄榄油、切成细丝的圆葱和干辣椒片。煎至圆葱变透明,大约需要三分钟。

      5. Add the thinly sliced brussels sprouts to the pan. Salt to taste, and add additional oil if necessary. Sauté until the sprouts become bright green and tender, about 4 minutes. Remove from heat.

      5. 把切碎的球芽甘蓝加入锅中。加点盐调味,需要的话再加点油。煎至甘蓝变成鲜绿色,变软,大约需要四分钟。从火上端下来。

      6. In a large bowl, fold together the cauliflower and sprouts. Add salt or olive oil if needed. Serve warm.

      6. 在一个大碗中,把花椰菜和甘蓝混合到一起。需要的话加点盐和橄榄油。趁热上桌。

      上一篇:春日明媚去野餐 下一篇:用好一面镜,让空间灵动起来


