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    Emphasizing Inner Beauty, Pageant Says No to Bikinis


    In a move sure to delight anyone who watches beauty pageants not for the swimsuit competition, but for the parts where contestants play instruments and talk about world hunger, the billionaire organizer of the Miss World pageant declared Thursday that there would be no bikinis this year.

    对于那些不是为了泳装秀,而是为了选手演奏乐器和谈论世界饥饿状况等内容而观看选美比赛的人来说,世界小姐(Miss World)选美比赛的亿万富翁组织者在周四的宣告定会让他们感到欣喜:今年的选美比赛将不再安排比基尼泳装展示环节。

    “It has been misunderstood by some people that Miss World is a beauty competition focusing on the physical attractiveness of a woman’s body,” the organizer, Hary Tanoesoedibjo, an Indonesian media tycoon, said.

    “一些人错误地认为,世界小姐选美比赛是看重女性身体吸引力的比赛,”比赛组织者、印度尼西亚媒体大亨哈里·塔诺索迪布(Hary Tanoesoedibjo)说。

    “This is absolutely misleading,” Mr. Tanoesoedibjo said, adding that the pageant is also about “inner beauty, which includes intelligence, manners and achievement.”


    Bathing suits will not be eradicated completely from the contest, a multiweek extravaganza that is to begin Sept. 4 and culminate Sept. 28, when the finals are broadcast around the world.


    But instead of showing off their figures in racy, skin-flaunting two-piece suits, the contestants will be swathed in more modest one-pieces, accessorized with beachwear like wraps and hats.


    Several years ago, the Miss World pageant rebranded the traditional bathing suit contest, calling it a “beach fashion show” in which contestants would wear suits created by local fashion designers. In keeping with this year’s demure sensibility, Indonesia’s beach fashion show will not be televised live, but taped in front of a small audience limited to judges, organizers and guests.


    Nana Putra, project director for programming and production at MNC, the media conglomerate that is organizing the competition, declined to say whether specific rules dictate what portions of, or how much, skin can be exposed. The bottom line, she said, is that “we will not have any bikinis, either taped or live.”

    比赛的主办方是传媒集团MNC,负责编排和制作的MNC项目总监纳娜·普特拉(Nana Putra)拒绝透露,是否有具体要求规定,哪部分或多少肌肤可以裸露出来。她说,总而言之,“我们不会有比基尼环节,不管是录播还是直播”。

    Indonesia is the world’s largest Muslim-majority country, with about 90 percent of its population of 242 million people identifying themselves as Muslim. But it has a secular government constitution, and prominent minority populations that include Christians, Balinese Hindus and Buddhists.


    The announcement on Thursday seemed intended in part to mollify a small but vocal group of religious conservatives who regularly stage street protests in Jakarta on issues they feel strongly about, like American foreign policy, Israel and Lady Gaga, whom some have called a devil worshiper. Lady Gaga was to have performed here last year, but ended up canceling because of security concerns.

    周四的宣告似乎一定程度上是为了安抚一小群呼声强烈的宗教保守派人士,他们经常在雅加达街头因他们重视的问题而发起抗议,如美国的外交政策、以色列和Lady Gaga。Lady Gaga被他们中一些人称为魔鬼崇拜者,她原定于去年在此地举办演唱会,但最终出于安全考虑取消了表演。

    In recent weeks, this group has turned its attention to the impending Miss World pageant.


    “That contest is just an excuse to show women’s body parts that should remain covered,” Mukri Aji, a prominent Muslim cleric, told The Associated Press.

    “比赛只是一个借口,为了向全世界展示女性不该示人的身体部位,”一个知名的穆斯林神职人员穆克里·阿吉(Mukri Aji)告诉美联社(The Associated Press)。

    In an interview, Ms. Putra said it was wrong to focus on the bathing suit question, since so much else was going on in the pageant. “The beach fashion show is just a very small part of the competition, actually,” she said.


    Julia Morley, chairwoman and chief executive of Miss World in London, said there had been other years when contestants wore one-piece suits. And, she said, no one in Indonesia has specifically banned anything, per se.

    伦敦世界小姐的主席兼首席执行官朱莉娅·莫利(Julia Morley)说,以往也有选手只能穿连体泳衣的比赛。她还说,但实际上印度尼西亚也没有人明确禁止什么。

    “I did make sure to conform to the rules in Indonesia, which I thought were perfectly reasonable rules,” Ms. Morley said. “I’m working with 137 countries, and all of them have different rules.”


    Mr. Tanoesoedibjo said he was working hard to persuade skeptics that the pageant truly is more about minds and spirits than about bodies.


    “We are now trying to explain what a Miss World pageant is all about,” he said.


      上一篇:奢华珠宝,质朴在心 下一篇:男人偶尔也需要有点“哥们儿时间”


