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    There are Donald Trump-shaped cookie cutters, "Drain the swamp" sweatshirts, and candles meant to smell like the president elect - a combination of "all of the classiest smells," according to the product's description. Keep searching among the Trump-inspired flasks, paperweights and peppermints, and you'll find coffee mugs that say "Build that wall" and a penny stamped with "Trump" selling for $2.75.



    Online shops, street vendors and high-end boutiques around town are preparing for Friday's inauguration with equal parts sincerity and snark as they try to cash in on fans and foes of the next president.


    At Chocolate Mooose, a novelty gift shop a half-mile from the White House, shelves are lined with Donald Trump whoopee cushions and chocolate replicas of the US Capitol. The Donald Trump mask, a Halloween favorite, is back in stock.

    距离白宫半英里的Chocolate Mooose是一间创意礼品店,店内货架上摆放着特朗普放屁坐垫以及美国国会大厦的巧克力模型。万圣节时最流行的特朗普面具也补上货了。

    "Up to now, absolutely, it's been all about the gag stuff," said Michele Cosby, the store's owner.


    The best-selling item so far? Toilet paper emblazoned with Trump's face. "We sold cases upon cases of it," Cosby said. "And at $12 a roll, it wasn't cheap." (But, she added, she has since stopped selling the popular item: "Now that he's our president-elect, we didn't want to cross the line.")


    At the Great Republic, which has inauguration pop-up shops at the St. Regis and Mandarin Oriental hotels, revelers can pick up pens made of wood from the White House and hand-painted with portraits of the president-elect for $1,950 each.


    Over in Georgetown, local jeweler Ann Hand has sold nearly 1,000 inaugural pins bearing Donald Trump's name and a slew of pavé stones. She is also selling inaugural cuff links, charm bracelets and a limited number of mother-of-pearl pins with Swarovsky crystals for $250.


    "We were astounded by the reaction that we got," Hand said. "All these inaugurals seem to take on a life of their own - there are those who love their candidate and those who don't."


    Jim Warlick, owner of White House Gifts, says he spent months buying $100,000 worth of items for the inauguration. There was just one problem: He had projected the wrong winner.


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