教程:时尚话题  浏览:445  
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    When is a shoe not just a shoe?


    When it is a pair of very high, needle-thin heels worn by the first lady of the United States on her way to the site of a natural disaster. Then it becomes a symbol for what many see as the disconnect between the Trump administration and reality; another example of the way in which this president and his family continue to define “appropriate” their own way; and an excuse for partisan name-calling.


    Or so became apparent Tuesday morning when President Trump and his wife left the White House to fly to Texas for a briefing on the devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey, and Mrs. Trump appeared on the lawn in black pegged trousers, black shades, an olive green bomber jacket — and her stilettos, now a trademark. Very much the same kind of shoes, in other words, she has been wearing since long before she joined her husband on the campaign trail.

    周二上午,特朗普总统夫妇离开白宫飞往德克萨斯州,去听取飓风哈维(Hurricane Harvey)造成的破坏情况的简报,特朗普夫人在白宫草坪亮相时身穿黑色萝卜裤,橄榄绿色飞行员夹克,戴着黑色太阳镜——脚下踩着那双细高跟鞋,现在它已经成了她的标志。她以前的很多鞋子都是这样的,换句话说,在她开始参与丈夫的竞选活动很久前就开始穿这样的鞋子了。

    Though by the time the plane had landed Mrs. Trump looked altogether more grounded, in white sneakers and crisp white shirt, with a ponytail pulled through a black baseball cap emblazoned with the word “FLOTUS,” during her time in the air the original shoes went from being mere footwear to objects of vilification thanks to social media’s specific kind of alchemy.

    不过,飞机降落时,特朗普夫人的打扮看上去比较接地气了,她换上了白色运动鞋和挺括的白色衬衫,马尾辫穿过一顶黑色的棒球帽,上面写着“FLOTUS”(First Lady of the US,即“美国第一夫人”缩写——译注),然而,就在她飞行那段时间,由于社交媒体特有的魔力,她原本的那双鞋子从一双纯粹的鞋子变成了众口诋毁的对象。

    In response to the critical reaction, Stephanie Grisham, Mrs. Trump’s communications director, emailed the following statement: “It’s sad that we have an active and ongoing natural disaster in Texas, and people are worried about her shoes.”

    作为对批评的回应,特朗普夫人的通讯联络主管史蒂芬妮·格里沙姆(Stephanie Grisham)通过电子邮件发送了以下声明:“德克萨斯州发生了一场尚未终结的自然灾害,目前仍在持续,人们却在为她的鞋子而烦恼,真是让人伤心。”

    That’s a fair point, to a certain extent. Certainly there was a backlash to the backlash, with Chelsea Handler, for example, being attacked in turn for her tweet attacking Mrs. Trump’s spikes.

    在某种程度上,这么说没有错。确实,也有人强烈抨击针对她的强烈抨击,比如说,切尔西·亨德勒(Chelsea Handler),就因为发推攻击特朗普夫人的高跟鞋而遭受攻击。

    Not to mention some partisan crowing about the sneakers.


    But to dismiss all this as merely much ado about heels, or an example of the pettiness of our divided electorate, is to ignore the reality of the current conversation around the president — to pretend not to notice how sensitized everyone has become to his unpredictable reactions to major events, and to deny the power of the telling detail to invite applause, condemnation or misinterpretation.


    It is precisely the superficial nature of clothing, the fact that garments are immediately accessible to all, that makes them the go-to stand-in for more nuanced, complicated emotions and issues.


    Mrs. Trump’s heels, after all — they appear to be classic Manolo Blahniks — are redolent of a certain clichéd kind of femininity: decorative, impractical, expensive, elitist (all adjectives often associated with the brand “Trump”).

    特朗普夫人的高跟鞋似乎是莫罗·伯拉尼克(Manolo Blahnik)经典款,毕竟,它们充满一种相当陈腐的女性气质:装饰性、不实用、昂贵、精英主义(这些词也常常和“特朗普”这个品牌联系在一起)。

    That they also are part of the identity the first lady brought to Washington — that her comfort level and ability to walk in exactly the kind of shoes that cause other women, wearing more solid shoes, to wince and crunch their toes in imaginary pain was part of her narrative and image from the start — does not obviate the fact that they have also come to represent her remove, for both good and ill. Women in the capital are generally more associated with sensible pumps than teetering patent leather numbers.


    This Mrs. Trump understands, which is why she changed into a more suitable costume (I use that word deliberately) for her arrival in Corpus Christi, Tex. The problem is that, as first lady, in an environment as fraught as the current one, there is no such thing as offstage. Even boarding a plane becomes a quasi-official moment in which all messaging, spoken or assumed, is mined for meaning.


    Mrs. Trump clearly knows this to a certain extent and has accepted it as an exigency of her job; how else to interpret the Dolce & Gabbana black lace coat and veil she wore to visit the pope on the president’s first foreign tour, or the classic red Dior suit she chose for her arrival in France for Bastille Day? Or the fact that, while hosting Akie Abe, the first lady of Japan, on Mrs. Abe’s visit to Mar-a-Lago, she wore flat sandals for their tour of the Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens? (When in Florida. ...)

    特朗普夫人在一定程度上清楚这一点,并将其视为自己工作的迫切需要;否则如何解释她随总统首次出访外国期间,在拜访教皇时所穿的杜嘉班纳(Dolce&Gabbana)黑色蕾丝外套和面纱?还有她在巴士底日当天抵达法国时选择的红色迪奥(Dior)经典套装?以及日本首相访问马阿拉歌期间,她招待日本第一夫人安倍昭惠(Akie Abe)参观森山博物馆和日式花园时穿的平底凉鞋?(不过当时是在佛罗里达州……)

    The sharp point of the stilettos is that this kind of proactive analysis needs to be applied as consistently as possible across all public appearances (which, when you are in the White House, is all appearances).


    In Mrs. Trump’s job, as in her husband’s, details matter. Even shoes. Put your best foot forward, and all that.


      上一篇:欧美掀起椰子油热 下一篇:2017维密秀首次“登陆”中国上海


