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    In 2018, purple will reign.


    It’s been a favorite color of numerous creative geniuses. The most famous of those is the late US music icon Prince, who is well known for his hit Purple Rain, and his custom-made purple piano, which had been scheduled to go on a concert tour with the musician before he passed away last year.

    它是众多创意天才最钟爱的颜色。其中最有名的要数美国已故音乐天王Prince了。他的热单《Purple Rain》和他那架紫色定制款钢琴广为人知。那架钢琴去年本该陪伴这位音乐家踏上一次巡演旅途,而在这之前Prince却离开了人世。

    Purple is a color loved by many. But it wasn’t until Ultra Violet – a special shade of purple – was named 2018’s Color of the Year by the Pantone Color Institute that we started to realize that purple could also be “an empowering color”, according to Laurie Pressman, vice president of the world famous US company.

    紫色是许多人喜爱的颜色。但直到紫外光色 —— 一种特殊的紫色 —— 被潘通色彩机构定为2018年度色彩,我们才意识到紫色也可以是种“赋予力量的颜色”,这家全球闻名的美国公司的副总裁劳里·普莱斯曼表示。

    “Basically, it’s all about fighting the power, being bold and strong. That’s the mood for the year ahead,” Metro lifestyle reporter Ellen Scott wrote.


    And even though it’s not yet 2018, we can already see that things have changed.


    In September, women in Saudi Arabia were finally given the right to drive, something they used to be sent to jail for doing. And in October, women all around the world started sharing their experiences of being sexually assaulted by powerful men, after keeping quiet for such a long time.


    “The Pantone Color of the Year has come to mean so much more than ‘what’s trending’ in the world of design; it’s truly a reflection of what’s needed in our world today,” said Pressman in a news release.


    Getting its name from ultraviolet, a color that’s invisible in the rainbow spectrum, Ultra Violet happens to have the same symbolic meaning. It isn’t just a color, but a way of looking at life. “It exposes things you wouldn’t be able to see under normal light,” Karin Rowland, a human rights activist in South Africa, told Mashable, referring to the movement of women’s equality.

    紫外线是种在彩虹光谱中不可见的颜色,而名字源于紫外线的紫外光色恰好也有同样的象征性意义。它并不仅仅是种颜色,更是看待生活的一种方式。“它展现了人们在正常光下看不见的事物,”南非人权运动家卡琳·罗兰接受了互联网新闻博客Mashable 采访,在提及妇女平权运动时如此表示。

    But purple isn’t just about fighting and challenging. It’s also about creating and balancing, since it comes from the mixing of two opposite colors – passionate red and calm blue.

    但紫色并不仅仅关于斗争与挑战。它也包含了创造与平衡,因为它由两种对立色 —— 热情的红色和冷静的蓝色组成。

    “[Ultra Violet] brings hope and an uplifting message,” Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute told The New York Time. “It communicates originality and visionary thinking that points us toward the future.”


      上一篇:一款比一款更奇葩:盘点这些年被玩坏的牛仔裤 下一篇:2017时尚盘点之流行服饰 看我的百变穿搭


