Studies were included where seniors were asked to exercise for at least a month and their thinking and memory skills were compared to participants who did not exercise. In total, 98 studies were found that matched these criteria, involving 11,061 participants with an average age of 73. Most of the participants (58%) did not exercise regularly before becoming involved in the study. 59% of the participants were healthy adults, 26% had mild cognitive impairment, and 15% had dementia. The exercise session length, frequency, and total exercise amount were analysed. Aerobic exercise, such as walking, biking, and dancing, was the most common type of exercise.
The researchers found increased thinking skills in participants who exercised. Interestingly, the amount of weekly exercise did not play a role in shaping thinking skills. Instead, the number of hours of exercise and the length of each exercise session was important. Those who exercised for at least 52 hours over a period of 6 months, for about an hour each time, showed improvement. However, those who only exercised for 34 hours or less did not show any substantial improvement. It therefore seems important that seniors who want to improve their thinking skills exercise for the long haul.
“These results suggest that a longer-term exercise program may be necessary to gain the benefits in thinking skills,” said study author Joyce Gomes-Osman, PT, PhD, of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine in Florida. “We were excited to see that even people who participated in lower intensity exercise programs showed a benefit to their thinking skills. Not everyone has the endurance or motivation to start a moderately intense exercise program, but everyone can benefit even from a less intense plan.”
研究人员Joyce Gomes-Osman表示:这些分析结果表明:也许只有长期锻炼才能够增强思维能力。让我们感到兴奋的是:连低强度锻炼项目也能够提升思维能力。不是人人都有毅力或动力进行中等强度的锻炼项目,但所有人都可以从哪怕低强度锻炼中获得益处。
Both healthy individuals and those with cognitive impairment benefited from long-term exercise. Their brains were able to process faster and take less time to perform mental tasks. This amount of exercise helped healthy people to manage time, focus, and achieve goals. Unfortunately, no link was found between exercise and improved memory skills.