无论你正在为一些恼人的担忧而烦心或是面临人生中第一个严重的健康问题,毫无疑问,年龄越来越大正对你的身体带来危害。电视全科医生Pixie McKenna说道,40岁之后,体验到健康危机是十分正常的。
"It can be a challenging decade. You might have started getting the odd health niggle, your parents are ageing and there's also the stress of managing work, relationships and children," she explains. "So there's often a eureka moment when you realise you're not indestructible and if you don't get yourself together, you risk suffering a whole host of problems in the future."
But it's also the decade where healthier habits can pay dividends now and in the years to come. Dr McKenna adds: "It's about being prepared for what's coming down the tracks. It's a time to ditch the bad habits and pay closer attention to your weight, diet and fitness level."
So here are some worries, and here are some answers...
Your worry: The Big C
Cancer is primarily a disease of older people with 53% of all new cases occurring in people aged 50-74, according to figures from Cancer Research UK. "It's estimated that only 2-3% of all cancer cases are due to an inherited faulty gene," says CRUK's health information officer Katie Edmunds.
英国癌症研究所(Cancer Research UK)的数据表明:老年人最容易患癌症,所有新发病例中,53%的病例发生在50至74岁人群中。"据估计,只有2%至3%的癌症案例是因为遗传缺陷基因引起的,"英国癌症研究所的健康信息员凯蒂·埃德蒙兹说道。
"Research shows that four out of 10 cases could be prevented by making lifestyle changes. Even if you have an inherited higher risk of developing cancer, studies show that healthy behaviours can still have an impact."
WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT: Making small day-to-day changes that add up over the years can makea difference. "It's about stacking the odds in your favour," says Katie.
Top of the hit list is smoking. Studies show that quitters can gain up to 10 years of life, but it'sa hard habit to kick on your own, so check out the NHS's Smoke free initiative for free support. Being active (doing any exercise that gets you slightly out of breath) and maintaining a healthy weight are also key.