But now that smartphones have achieved dominance, revolution is again in the air.
Global smartphone sales are plateauing for a very obvious reason: Pretty much anyone who can afford one already has one, and increasingly there are questions about whether we are using our phones too much and too mindlessly. At Google’s and Apple’s recent developer conferences, executives took the stage to show how much more irresistible they were making our phones. Then each company unveiled something else: Software to help you use your phone a lot less.
There’s a reason tech companies are feeling this tension between making phones better and worrying they are already too addictive. We’ve hit what I call Peak Screen.
For much of the last decade, a technology industry ruled by smartphones has pursued a singular goal of completely conquering our eyes. It has given us phones with ever-bigger screens and phones with unbelievable cameras, not to mention virtual reality goggles and several attempts at camera-glasses.
Tech has now captured pretty much all visual capacity. Americans spend three to four hours a day looking at their phones, and about 11 hours a day looking at screens of any kind.
So tech giants are building the beginning of something new: a less insistently visual tech world, a digital landscape that relies on voice assistants, headphones, watches and other wearables to take some pressure off our eyes.
This could be a nightmare; we may simply add these new devices to our screen-addled lives. But depending on how these technologies develop, a digital ecosystem that demands less of our eyes could be better for everyone — less immersive, less addictive, more conducive to multitasking, less socially awkward, and perhaps even a salve for our politics and social relations.
Who will bring us this future? Amazon and Google are clearly big players, but don’t discount the company that got us to Peak Screen in the first place. With advances to the Apple Watch and AirPods headphones, Apple is slowly and almost quietly creating an alternative to its phones.
If it works, it could change everything again. As I argue below, there are many ways that screens have become too dominant in our lives. The sooner we find something else, the better.
Screens are insatiable. At a cognitive level, they are voracious vampires for your attention, and as soon as you look at one, you are basically toast.
There are studies that bear this out. One, by a team led by Adrian Ward, a marketing professor at the University of Texas’ business school, found that the mere presence of a smartphone within glancing distance can significantly reduce your cognitive capacity. Your phone is so irresistible that when you can see it, you cannot help but spend a lot of otherwise valuable mental energy trying to not look at it.
有些研究证明了这一点。德克萨斯大学(University of Texas)商学院的营销学教授阿德里安·沃德(Adrian Ward)领导的一个团队发现,哪怕只是视野范围内有一部智能手机,就会显著降低你的认知能力。你的手机具有难以抵抗的魅力,你一看到它,就要花费大量宝贵的精力努力不去看它。
When you do give in, you lose your mind.
“What you get sucked into is not the one thing that caught your attention — your text message or tweet or whatever,” said Carolina Milanesi, an analyst at the technology research firm Creative Strategies. Instead, you unlock your phone and instantly, almost unconsciously, descend into the irresistible splendors of the digital world — emerging 30 minutes later, stupefied and dazed.
“你陷入的不只是那件引起你注意的事——短信、推文什么的,”科技研究公司创意策略(Creative Strategies)的分析师卡罗琳娜·米拉内西(Carolina Milanesi)说。只要打开手机,你就会很快地、几乎是无意识地陷入数字世界不可抗拒的光芒之中——在里面沉浸了30分钟后,你会变得昏昏沉沉,头晕目眩。
“You open this irresistible box, and you can’t fight it,” she said.
Tech companies understand this power, of course; our inability to resist screens explains why phone screens keep getting bigger.
Apple once argued that increasing the iPhone’s screen size would make for a phone that would be too awkward for your hands. “No one’s going to buy that,” Steve Jobs predicted of big-screen phones in 2010.
苹果曾认为,增加iPhone的屏幕尺寸会让手机显得笨拙。“没人会买那个,”史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)2010年在预测大屏幕手机的前景时说。
He was wrong. Rivals, led by Samsung, found that big-screen phones sold very well. The eyes won out over the hands. Eventually Apple joined the party, making iPhones with bigger and then still bigger displays. The largest-screen iPhones now account for half of Apple’s sales and the majority of its profits.
But screens have now become a crutch for technologists, a lazy, catchall way to add digital experiences to every product.
We have seen this in cars for years. By placing interior controls on touch screens rather than tactile knobs and switches, carmakers have made vehicles much more annoying and dangerous to interact with. The Tesla Model 3, the most anticipated car on the planet, takes this to an absurd level. As several reviewers have lamented, just about every one of the car’s controls — including adjustments for the side mirrors — requires access through a screen.
我们已经在汽车上看到它很多年了。汽车制造商们把内部控制功能转移到屏幕上,而不是通过触摸旋钮和开关,这让与汽车的互动变得更加恼人和危险。特斯拉Model 3是世界上最受期待的汽车,它已经把这个问题提升到了荒谬的程度。正如几位汽车评论员所哀叹的,汽车的每一种控制——包括对侧镜的调整——都需要通过屏幕进行。
Or look at augmented reality, the technology that allows you to see digital imagery superimposed on the real world. In a few specific uses — turning your face into a dog’s on Snapchat — this can be fun. But too often, A.R. feels gimmicky. Rather than commingling the digital and the real, it simply uses a screen to usurp the world around you.
At Apple’s developer conference this month, Martin Sanders, a Lego executive, showed off a new A.R. Lego set. When he pointed his iPad at a Lego structure, his screen filled with digital fireworks, superheros, sports cars — a whole bustling Lego town that he didn’t have to build with his hands or imagine with his head.
在本月的苹果开发者大会上,乐高(Lego)的高管马丁·桑德斯(Martin Sanders)展示了一组新的增强现实乐高套装。他把iPad指向一个乐高建筑,屏幕上满是数字烟火、超级英雄和跑车——一整座喧闹的乐高城,他无需用双手去搭建或用头脑去想像。
“There’s so much to do here!” Mr. Sanders exclaimed as he and an assistant stood completely still, staring at animated Legos through a piece of digital glass. It was bizarre. The whole point of Lego is physical interaction, but thanks to A.R., he had turned Lego into just another video game.
There are two ways we may break our fevered addiction to screens.
First, we will need to try to use our phones more mindfully, which requires a combination of willpower and technology.
Help is on the way. For the last week, I’ve been using Screen Time, one of the new features in Apple’s next version of its mobile operating system. The software gives you valuable information about how much you are using your phone, and it can even block you from using apps that you deem unhealthy. I found Screen Time very well designed, and I suspect it will profoundly change how we use our phones.
援兵马上就到了。上周,我一直在使用屏幕时间(Screen Time),它是苹果的下一代移动操作系统的一个新功能。这个软件可以提供有关手机使用情况的宝贵信息,甚至可以阻止你使用那些你认为不健康的应用程序。我发现屏幕时间设计得很好,我觉得它会深刻改变我们使用手机的方式。
But in addition to helping us resist phones, the tech industry will need to come up with other, less immersive ways to interact with digital world. Three technologies may help with this: voice assistants, of which Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant are the best, and Apple’s two innovations, AirPods and the Apple Watch.
但是,除了帮助我们抵制手机之外,科技行业还需要想出其他不那么容易让我们沉迷其中的与数字世界互动的方式。有三种技术也许可以帮助实现这个目标:语音助手——亚马逊的Alexa和谷歌助手是其中最好的——以及苹果的两个创新产品:AirPods和Apple Watch。
All of these technologies share a common idea. Without big screens, they are far less immersive than a phone, allowing for quick digital hits: You can buy a movie ticket, add a task to a to-do list, glance at a text message or ask about the weather without going anywhere near your Irresistible Screen of Splendors.
These are all works in progress. Voice assistants still cannot do everything for you, though Google and Amazon have thousands of engineers working to improve them. AirPods are fantastic — they have fewer connection issues than any other wireless headphones — and after years of refinement, the Apple Watch shows you just enough stuff from your phone to make it useful without becoming overbearing.
这些技术都还在完善中。语音助手还不能为你做所有的事,尽管谷歌和亚马逊安排了成千上万名工程师努力改进它们。AirPods很棒——它的连接问题比其他任何无线耳机都少——经过多年改进,Apple Watch能向你展示足够多来自手机的内容,它变得有用却又不会主导你的生活。
If Apple could only improve Siri, its own voice assistant, the Watch and AirPods could combine to make something new: a mobile computer that is not tied to a huge screen, that lets you get stuff done on the go without the danger of being sucked in. Imagine if, instead of tapping endlessly on apps, you could just tell your AirPods, “Make me dinner reservations at 7” or “Check with my wife’s calendar to see when we can have a date night this week.”
Apple declined to comment on its plans. There are enough reports, though, that suggest Apple is not blind to such a future. It has plans for improving AirPods, according to Bloomberg, and I’ve been impressed by how steadily the company keeps adding features to the Watch — including the ability, in its latest model, to use it away from your phone.
Apple has never been scared of disrupting its own best inventions. By rethinking screens, it may have a chance to do that once more.