教程:时尚话题  浏览:584  
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    Corresponding to "dog days" in English, the hottest days of the year in China is called "Fu" (Chinese: 伏), 20-29 days after Summer Solstice. According to the Chinese solar terms, "Fu" appears between Minor Heat and Beginning of Autumn, divided into three phases. In 2018, the first phase of "Fu" will be on the days of July 17 to 26, the second phase will be on July 27 to Aug 15, and the third will continue 10 more days. That is to mean, we are entering "Fu" in one week.

    和英文中的“dog days”相对应,在中国,夏至后的20-29天是一年中最热的时间,被称为“伏”。根据中国节气,“伏”出现在小暑和立秋之间,分为三个阶段。2018年的头伏为7月17-26日,中伏为7月27日-8月15日,末伏会再持续10天。这也就是说,不到一周的时间就要“入伏”了。

    During the scorching days, Chinese women seek many creative ways to escape the sun so that they will not get tanned, as Chinese always regard white skin as beauty. And another reason is that ultraviolet rays of the sun are very harmful to people, burning and aging the skin, or even causing some diseases, like sun related eye and skin complications.


    The most popular ways of sun protection in China are sunscreen, sunshade, sunglasses, sunscreen masks, sunscreen clothes. Sometimes in the beach they even use facekini. Chinese women seldom use only one way to escape the sun. Instead, they use various combinations to intensify the effect.


    Here are some tips for sun protection:


    1. Choose a suitable sunscreen. Use sunscreen with SPF20 to 35 (PA+ to PA++) in the outdoors while use sunscreen with SPF 50 on the beach. Sunscreen below SPF20 is enough for indoors.

    1. 选择一款合适的防晒霜。户外活动和海边分别使用SPF20-35(PA+ - PA++)和SPF 50的防晒霜。室内使用SPF低于20的防晒霜就足够了。

    2. Smear sunscreen every two hours to make sure it works.


    3. Darker umbrellas have better UV protection.

    3. 颜色较暗的伞紫外线防护效果更好。

    4. Physical sunblock, like sunscreen clothes and masks, is sometimes more useful than sunscreen.

    4. 防晒衣和防晒面罩等物理防晒有时比防晒霜更管用。

    Besides sun protection, it is a tradition for Chinese people for more than 1,000 years ago to eat cool and refreshing food, such as balsam pear, mung bean soup and cold noodles, to relieve summer heat during the three phases of "Fu".


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