教程:时尚话题  浏览:519  
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    I like the catchy term that scientists recently came up with to describe a common psychological phenomenon: the "invisibility cloak illusion".


    According to the scientists, and their 2016 paper in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, we incorrectly assume that other people aren't paying nearly as much attention to us as we are to them.


    That is to say, while you're bobbing along to music during your morning commute, casually taking note of the fidgety fellow on your right, there's a good chance said fidgety fellow is casually taking note of you and your lack of rhythm.



    Consider one study described in the 2016 paper.


    A pair of students were asked to bide their time in a "waiting room" before an experiment – little did they know, they were already participating in the experiment. After sitting in the waiting room, the students were asked to indicate how much they'd noticed the other person in the room (their behaviour, mannerisms, and appearance).


    They were also asked to indicate how much they thought the other person had noticed the same things about them.


    As one of the paper's authors, Erica J. Boothby, writes in a New York Timesop-ed, "Although people surreptitiously noticed all kinds of details about each other – clothing, personality, mood – we found that people were convinced that the other person wasn't watching them much, if at all."

    作为论文的作者之一,Erica J. Boothby在《纽约时报》专栏文章中写道:“虽然人们偷偷地注意到彼此的各种细节——服装、个性、情绪——但我们发现人们倾向于相信只有自己才是唯一的观察者,而其他人并没有注意到自己。”

    I learned about this phenomenon while reading Cringeworthy by Melissa Dahl, which explores the science of awkwardness in everyday life.

    Melissa Dahl的在专栏Cringeworthy中介绍了这一现象,Melissa Dahl专门探讨日常生活中各种尴尬事情背后的科学原理。

    Dahl describes the "invisibility cloak illusion" in the context of a related psychological phenomenon, called the "spotlight effect."


    In 2000, psychologists found that people aren't paying nearly as much attention as we think they are to the things we're self-conscious about.


    In a now well-known study, students walked around a party in a Barry Manilow T-shirt and ended up wildly overestimating how much the other party guests noticed their attire.

    在一项现在众所周知的研究中,学生们穿着Barry Manilow T恤参加派对,最终高估了其他派对的客人对他们服装的关注度。

    The title of the Times op-ed says it all: "You're too focused on what you're too focused on."


    There are benefits to realising that other people are thinking about you as much as you're thinking about them


    The point here isn't to feel self-conscious whenever you're in public. Instead, as Boothby suggests in The Times op-ed, it's to understand how miscommunication can happen.


    For example, she writes: "Employees pull their hair out in frustration while bosses obliviously believe their instructions are simple and straightforward."


    Meanwhile, Margaret S. Clark, another author on the paper, told Psychology Today that it's worth remembering how much other people may in fact be thinking about you.

    与此同时,论文的另一位作者Margaret S. Clark告诉“今日心理学”:请记住,其他人实际上可能也正在猜度你的想法。

    Clark said, "If I want to go out to lunch with you, and I think that I'm thinking it more than you'rethinking it, then I might be hesitant to ask."


    So: Remove your invisibility cloak and ask. The other person might be pleasantly surprised, and relieved.


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