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    Fall is upon us, and that means the kids are finally back in school and the hot, humid summer days are all but behind us (hopefully). But the cooler air also signals the start of the inevitable cold and flu seasons that run rampant through close-packed classrooms, and circulate back out to parents and coworkers. When the sneezes start, though, they can set off a moment of panic—is this just an average cold-weather cold, or the more serious flu?


    One of the biggest differences between the two viral infections is how fast the sickness sets in, says Cynthia Benson, the assistant medical director of the emergency department at Overlook Medical Center in New Jersey. With a cold, someone might wake up with a bit of a sore throat and runny nose, and slowly start to feel worse over the course of a day or two. The flu, on the other hand, has a fast onset. “You’re fine when you go into work, and by lunch, you’re really sick,” Benson says. “You feel like you get hit with a ton of bricks.”

    新泽西州 Overlook 医疗中心急诊部助理医疗主任 Cynthia Benson 表示,两种病毒感染之间最大的差异之一,就是患病的速度有多快。感冒后,有人可能会喉咙痛和流鼻涕,并且在一两天内慢慢开始感觉更糟。另一方面,流感起病很快。 “你上班时很好,到午餐时,你就真的生病了,你觉得你被白金之星揍了。”

    Some of the symptoms do overlap—the sore throat, the stuffy nose—but a cold tends to be concentrated in the upper respiratory system, with sneezing and watery eyes. The flu is less likely to come along with a runny nose, but instead will cause muscle aches and chills. Depending on the particular strain of the flu circulating, it can also cause an upset stomach or diarrhea. The real hallmark of the flu, though, is a high fever, Benson says. A cold might cause a low grade, borderline fever, she says, but with the flu, body temperature spikes.

    一些症状确实是两种病都会有的 - 喉咙痛,鼻塞 - 但感冒往往集中在上呼吸系统、打喷嚏和流泪。流感不太可能伴随流鼻涕,反而会引起肌肉酸痛和打寒战。根据流感的各类变异体,还可能导致胃部不适或腹泻。Benson 说,流感的真正标志是高烧。感冒可能导致低度的恶性、边缘性发热,但是流感会让体温升得更高。

    Can you diagnose yourself?


    Adults usually know when they have the flu, as opposed to a run-of-the mill cold, Benson says. “People know themselves. They can differentiate between feeling just crappy and run down, and having the flu,” she says. Benson says there tends to be more incorrect self-diagnoses of the flu when it’s a particularly bad season: People have colds, but are more likely to be worried that they have the flu.

    Benson说,成年人一般可以分得出来。 “人们都了解自己,可以区分感觉不爽和沮丧,也能分得清感冒和流感,但当高发季节时,往往会有更多不正确的自我诊断:人们可能其实是感冒,但更可能担心自己是流感。”

    For kids, though, it can be harder to tell what virus is causing their sniffles. Babies and toddlers can’t necessarily identify what they’re feeling. Kids tend to have more nausea when they’re sick, both from a cold or from the flu. “That’s why we tend to do more flu testing in those ages,” Benson says. The flu is particularly dangerous for young kids, who can become dehydrated quickly and suffer more complications, so it’s more important to know for sure if they have it. Keep an eye on their breathing patterns and activity levels if they start to seem ill, Benson says. “A two year old who is listless, and has decreased energy—that should be a big red flag the child is really sick.

    然而对于孩子来说,可能更难分辨出是哪种病毒引起他们流鼻涕。婴幼儿不一定能够识别出他们的感受。孩子生病时往往会伴有更多的恶心症状,无论是感冒还是流感。“这就是我们倾向于在这些年龄段进行更多流感测试的原因,”Benson说。流感对年幼的孩子来说特别危险,他们可能会很快脱水并且会出现更多的并发症,因此更确切地知道他们是否患有流感更为重要。如果他们开始出现病情,请留意他们的呼吸模式和活动水平。“一个两岁的娃,无精打采,不太活动 - 这应该是很强的信号——孩子真的生病了。”

    For healthy adults, the flu and colds can generally be treated the same way—with hydration, over-the-counter medications, and rest. Taking Tylenol (brand name for acetaminophen) or another non-prescription analgesic like Advil or Motrin (both ibuprofen) to bring down a fever can also help cut down on the misery of a flu. Keep an eye on the active ingredients in your medications of choice, though: many contain acetaminophen, which can be toxic to the liver at high doses. Doctors and pharmacists can help with cold medicine selection, and field questions or concerns.


    Benson also says that flu-sufferers should stay home, at least for the first few days. “[The flu is] not the kind of thing you should push through,” Benson says. “You expose other people, and it makes it harder to recover.”


    Even if someone just has a cold, if they can, they should stay home from work for the first day or so, she says. “If you take off the first day of [a] cold, you will probably get better a little faster,” she says. The first few days of any illness are also when you’re most contagious, so staying in bed can help protect those around you.


    The best treatment, though, is to prevent sickness from striking in the first place. “Hand washing is key,” Benson says. “As kids go back to school, I’ve seen more and more parents in with upper respiratory infections. Hand washing is super important if someone in your household comes down with a sickness. I tell them to wash hand towels, change out toothbrushes.” Stay away from people who are already sick, and don’t share cups and utensils.


    And most importantly, Benson says, get a flu shot. “Vaccination, vaccinate, vaccinate—I can’t say it enough.”


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