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    Do what you can to keep your self-confidence high


    Most will tell you to stay healthy and fit, but there are men out there who enjoy women with full figures. Weight really has nothing to do with getting a boyfriend. However, you must always try and look your best. Not only will you feel great, but you will exude confidence. Men love a confident woman who is comfortable in her own skin.


    Whether you are a size zero or a size 20W, you need to love yourself. We are born as imperfect creatures so don't hold yourself to anyone's standards but your own. Everyone else can go toblazes.


    Tell negativity to take a hike


    Life can get all of us down at times and many of us suffer from depression. While we can't help having it sometimes, men do take notice if we are constantly negative.


    Obviously, you can't turn depression on and off like a light switch. However, do your best to look at the positive things in your life and keep an optimistic outlook. If you feel you're in a rut, start going out of your comfort zone and try new things that you wouldn't have even dreamed of before. The world is your oyster and you should do what makes you feel happy.


    If there's anything a man finds infectious, it's a lady who is enjoying herself in any elementshe puts herself in.


    Have your own life


    This is an absolute need if you want to find a boyfriend. While men love it when we lavish attention upon them, they also like their space. So do your own thing. Don't be afraid to have other plans with your friends or do things for yourself solo.


    Rather than making a potential boyfriend the sole focus of your life, keep separate interests and activities so that you're not always available for him. This will, in turn, keep him interested as he sees that you are more valuable than the tart at the bar who keeps hounding him.


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