Back then, I did work in a bakery, a pie shop in North Carolina. My shifts started in the middle of the night, when roaches scurried along the sidewalk and the only other people awake were on the radio across the sea. I also worked as a recipe developer, a restaurant critic, and, every so often, a culinary instructor to home cooks.
I wanted to ask the woman in the back row questions. But instead I answered her question, sort of: "I run marathons."
That felt more appropriate than getting into it. Than saying, I haven't felt thin since the seventh grade when one of my friends - you know seventh grade friends - whispered behind me in the hallway that I had the biggest butt in school. I started wearing a lot of sweatpants and A-line dresses, but this didn't preclude many a boyfriend and friend and co-worker from sharing "feedback" on my proportions.
I could have told the woman in the back row that my torso is thin. I could have told her that in college I used to weigh myself twice a day, used to do Food-Free Mondays until my friend, who used to be anorexic, suggested I go to therapy and I did, and the therapist, who also used to be anorexic, spent our first and last session talking about how she's worn the same pants sizefor a decade. I could have told her that I chucked that scale years ago. That I haven't bought one since. That "thin" isn't a compliment.
But all I said was: "I run marathons."
I don't work at a bakery anymore. "Do you miss it?" a friend asked me over a night dinner, which wouldn't have been possible with the bakery, which made answering easy: "No."
I don't miss it. Not really. Not the hours: falling asleep to the sun, waking up to the moon. Now, I work a sort-of 9-to-5, writing about food. But I still get up in the dark because old habits die hard. Or something like that.