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    Yes, it can make you more creative and lead to greater self-reflection, but one of the biggest upsides to daydreaming may be the one with the most immediate impact — namely, that it provides an easy escape from whatever boring thing you’re stuck doing. Your body may be trapped on the subway for another 45 minutes, but your mind can travel to any number of more enjoyable scenarios; letting your imagination wander can make mundane to-dos like cleaning or exercise a little more fun; there’s a whole Reddit page dedicated to the weird places your brain takes you while you’re in the shower.


    But as writer Libby Copeland recently explained in Smithsonian, daydreaming-as-escapism isn’t really as effective as we seem to think it is: Research has shown that it doesn’t make people any happier than just focusing on the moment, even when that moment isn’t really that great. In one 2010 study, researchers created an app that sent users seemingly random alerts over the course of the day, each time asking them what they were doing, whether they were thinking about the task at hand or something else, and how happy they felt. Copeland summed up the results:

    但正如作家Libby Copeland最近在《史密森尼学会》上解释的那样,作为逃避的白日做梦并没有我们想象中的那样有效。已有研究发现比起专注于当下,白日做梦并不会让人们变得更加开心,即便当下这一时刻没那么美好。在2010年的一项研究中,研究人员们创造出了一种应用程序,它能够在一天之中随机给人们发送提醒。每次的提醒都会问人们正在做什么,他们是正在思考手头的任务,还是在想别的事情,以及他们的开心程度。Copeland总结的结果如下:

    Overall, people were less happy when their minds wandered. Neutral and negative thoughts seemed to make them less happy than being in the moment, and pleasant thoughts made them no happier. Even when people were engaged in an activity they said they didn’t like—commuting, for example—they were happier when focused on the commute than when their minds strayed.


    What’s more, people’s negative moods appeared to be the result, rather than the cause, of the mind wandering.


    One possible explanation, as lead study author Matt Killingsworth told Smithsonian: “When our mind wanders, I think it really blunts the enjoyment of what it is that we’re doing.” Even if you’re not occupied with something enjoyable, there can still be small pleasures in it: interesting people-watching on the subway, for instance, or Copeland’s example of the feel of hot water against your skin in the shower — both things you miss when you let yourself zone out. Plus, there’s always the chance your daydream could turn into a worry spiral, sending your brain to a situation far less pleasant than the one you were trying to ignore in the first place.

    该研究的主要作者Matt Killingsworth认为一个可能的解释是:“当我们的思想信马由缰的时候,它就会让我们当下的享受变得模糊起来。”就算你没做什么享受的事情,可能这事儿中间也会给你带来一点小愉悦:比如地铁上看到的有趣之人,或者Copeland说的淋浴时热水流过皮肤的感觉。当你去想别的事情时,你就会错过这些。另外,你的白日做梦也总是很有可能陷入担心的漩涡,它发送给你的愉悦远远少于你想要忽略的东西。

      上一篇:悄然接近的人工智能 下一篇:不管怎样,请保持睡眠八小时


