That’s the finding of experts from Herriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, who say that replacing plastic with alternate materials such as metal and glass won’t help the environment.
The team say this is because the manufacturing of these replacements could double global energy consumption.
Resources required to process these replacement materials would lead to more energy consumption and more greenhouse gas.
Campaigners have called for reductions or bans, with recent programmes such as the BBC’s Blue Planet highlighting the impact of plastics on the world’s oceans.
活动人士呼吁减少或禁止使用塑料,最近BBC的《蓝色星球》(Blue Planet)等节目中也强调了塑料对世界海洋的影响。
But the team of forty academics said arguments surrounding a reduction or ban are ’often shortsighted and not based on facts’.
The waste products produced when making metal and glass are all bad for the environment.
The major environmental impact of glass and metal production is caused by atmospheric emissions from melting activities.
The combustion of natural gas/fuel oil and the decomposition of raw materials during the melting lead to the emission of CO2.
Professor David Bucknall, who led the research, said that transportation of consumer goods in plastic packaging means fewer vehicles because plastic is lightweight.
The academics draw expertise from engineering, science, economics and social science, said there needs to be a ’circular economy’ for plastic usage.
Almost everything we touch or interact with on a daily basis is made of or contains a plastic of some description,’ said Professor David Bucknall, chairman in materials chemistry from the university’s Institute of Chemical Sciences.
Banning or reducing their use would have a massive impact on the way we live.