The holidays are a time of joy and happiness. But according to latest finder.com data, more than half of us will face another feeling: disappointment. Specifically, the disappointment of receiving an unwanted gift.
Some 56% of Americans surveyed admit to getting at least one unwanted gift over the holidays, totaling roughly 142 million American adults. Americans drop almost $13 billion on unwanted presents.
They say it’s the thought that counts. But if you wind up giving someone a present they don’t want, how much thought did you actually put into it?
You know when it’s an unwanted present: Your loved one opens it, smiles, stares at you wide-eyed and gleefully says, “You shouldn’t have … ”

Clothing and accessories 衣服和配饰 34%
Household items 家居用品 18%
Cosmetic and Fragrances 化妆品和香水 14%
Food and/or drink 食品/饮品 9%
Technology 科技产品 9%
Music 音乐产品 8%
Literature 文学著作 7%
Other 其他 2%
When it comes to who’s getting those unwanted gifts, the sexes are split evenly: 56% of both men and women say they receive at least one unwanted gift during the holidays.
However, men receive 67% more unwanted gifts on average than women each holiday season. So maybe rethink that tie or value pair of socks.

Gen Y receives far and away more unwanted gifts than any other generation, with 68% saying they’ve received a gift they didn’t want. They’re followed by Gen X (58%) and baby boomers (41%).
Interestingly, we found that 15% of Americans — roughly 38 million people — have deliberately bought a present knowing their recipient wouldn’t like it. Men are about four times more likely than women to intentionally gift a bad present, with 25% of men surveyed saying they’d done it in the past, versus about 6% of women.
Of the generations, Gen Xers are most likely to knowingly give bad gifts, with 22% admitting they’ve done so. That’s only slightly higher than the rate for Gen Y (18%) but 11 times higher than the rate for boomers (2%).
Those with money to burn — people earning $100,000 to $150,000 — are most likely to buy spiteful presents, with 28% saying they’d done so. That’s almost three times higher than those earning between $50,000 and $75,000 (11%) and almost five times higher than those earning between $25,000 and $50,000 (6%).
money to burn:有很多钱,花不完的钱
spiteful ['spaɪtfʊl; -f(ə)l]: adj.怀恨的,恶意的

What are people doing with their unwanted gifts? Open the nearest closet or check under the bed, and you’re bound to find out.
According to our survey, 29% of people just hold on to the unwanted item, followed by 22% who exchange the gift and another 22% who plan to regift it.
Keep them 保留物品 29%
Give them to someone else 转送给他人 22%
Exchange them 与其他人再作交换 22%
Sell them 将物品出售 10%
Give them back 还回去 8%
Throw them away 扔掉 6%
Other 其他 2%

When asked who you’d least like to buy a present for, a whopping 30% say it’s their boss.
Boss 老板 30%
Mother-in-law 岳母/婆婆 12%
Mom 母亲 10%
Friend 朋友 9%
Partner 伴侣 9%
Other 其他人 7%
Dad 父亲 5%
Son 儿子 5%
Father-in-law 岳父/公公 5%
Daughter 女儿 4%
Grandparent 祖父母/外祖父母 2%
It’s heartwarming to hear that more than half of Americans (52%) say spending time with family is their favorite part of the holidays. Time with family is followed by a festive atmosphere (13%) and getting time off work (12%).
Spending time with family 与家人一起度过 52%
Festive atmosphere 节日气氛 13%
Time off work 休假 12%
Food 食物 11%
Presents 礼物 5%
There is nothing I like about the holidays 完全不喜欢过节 5%
Other 其他 2%
Getting drunk 喝到酩酊大醉 1%