The so-called “smart uniforms” record the time anddate a student enters the school and a short videoparents can see through a mobile app.
Eleven schools in Guizhou have introduced the uniforms, developed by local tech firm GuizhouGuanyu Technology.
Skiving off classes triggers an alarm to notify both teachers and parents of the student'sabsence and an automatic voice alarm is activated if a student leaves school withoutpermission.
A GPS system also tracks student movements even once they have left the school premises.
But a company's project manager said the school would only use the tracking beyond schoolhours if a pupil were to go missing.
The project manager said that attendance had gone up since the uniforms had been introduced.

However, the uniforms have been criticised on social media. “If you were a child, would youlike to be monitored 24 hours a day?” one Weibo user asked.
“Don't children have human rights and privacy?” added another user.
A principal in Guizhou said despite the fact the school was able to track students at all times, they used this technology sparingly.
“We choose not to check the accurate location of students after school, but when the studentis missing and skipping classes, the uniforms help locate them,” the principal said.