For a study published today in the journalEpigenetics, scientists at Duke University comparedthe sperm of two groups of rats: those who had beengiven tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactiveingredient in cannabis, and those who had not. Then they compared the sperm of 24 humanmen who smoked marijuana weekly versus a control group who used marijuana no more than10 times in their life and not at all in the past half-year. In both cases - rats and humans - marijuana changed how genes work in sperm cells.

Think of your DNA as a list of instructions for making proteins, and genes as small subsets ofthat list. Our body has little chemical tags (called methyl groups) that get added to the DNA atspecific regions, explains Susan Kay Murphy, a professor of gynecology at Duke and co-authorof the study. These chemicals don't mutate the genes themselves, but they do affect howthey're used, like deciding which instructions are followed and which aren't.
In both rats and humans, the cannabis affected many different genes involved in two differentpathways. (Think of pathways as another set of instructions, this time for regulating variousbodily functions.) One is important for organs to reach full size, and one plays a role in cancerand suppressing tumors. "That just blows my mind," says Murphy. "How do you even reconcilethat, biologically, an entire pathway is going to be affected by these changes?"
This doesn't mean that smoking cannabis will lead future children to be more vulnerable tocancer. Murphy is very clear that this is a pilot study originally intended to see if cannabiseven has any effect of this kind on sperm. The sample size is small, and they didn't control forthe concentration of THC the human recruits smoked. The scientists did, however, measureTHC in the urine and noted that more THC in the urine correlated with more changes.