教程:时尚话题  浏览:404  
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    When you wake up with a pounding head and cotton-dry mouth the night after one (or a few) too manydrinks, you'll likely find yourself Googling ways to getrid of your hangover, fast. And when you do, youmay stumble upon a suggestion to throw back somepickle juice.


    Some claim that pickle brine is the reason Polishpeople don't get hangovers. Even Dr. Oz has endorsed pickle juice as a hangover cure. According to him, the salts in pickle juice replenish electrolytes that you lose while drinking, which can make your headache disappear. But is getting over a hangover really as easy astaking a swig from the pickle jar in your fridge?


    Well, probably not. "The main thing to understand with hangovers is that they usually happenbecause people are dehydrated, and then also you probably didn't get much sleep," Tochi Iroku-Malize, MD, a practicing family physician in Long Island, New York, tells Health. So yes, saltypickle brine might help with the electrolytes you've lost if you peed a lot, or maybe even threwup, the night before. But taking a shot of pickle juice in the morning won't make your hangoverdisappear if you're not also drinking lots of water and nursing your hangover with a nap.

    也许并不是。"关于宿醉,你需要了解的是:喝酒会使人们脱水,再加上睡不好,所以才会发生宿醉的情况,"纽约长岛的一名执业家庭医生Tochi Iroku-Malize医学博士对《健康》杂志说道。所以,如果喝酒那一晚你总是上厕所或呕吐,那么盐渍黄瓜汁的确能补充你丢失掉的电解质。但如果第二天早晨你没有喝很多水、没有小憩一会儿,那么只喝一杯腌黄瓜汁并不能解宿醉。




    Alcohol acts as a diuretic, which means that it'll make you pee more than usual. That's why youmay find you have to go so often during a boozy night out and one of the reasons you feel sodehydrated the morning after. Yes, you lose electrolytes in pee-but it's the water that reallymatters. "When you're losing water, you need to continue to replace that," Dr. Iroku-Malizesays. She suggests that people drink a whole glass of water with every alcoholic drink to makethe hangover sting less.


    The only way to really prevent a hangover is to not drink too much, Dr. Iroku-Malize says. Herdefinition of "not too much" is one drink a day for women and two for men.


      上一篇:最长寿的女性或在年龄上造了假 下一篇:天津大学出新招倡导学生健康减肥


