They’re the first additions to the soda giant’s line ofnew flavors, which launched last January to attractmillennials.
Like the inaugural flavors, these two will also comein 12-ounce, skinny cans.
In January 2018, the classic zero-calorie soda morphed into Ginger Lime, Feisty Cherry, ZestyBlood Orange and Twisted Mango. The original flavor remains, too.
Other flavors that Coca-Cola said it had tested but ultimately nixed included Oro BloncoGrapefruit and Vanilla Chai.
“Wefocused on modernizing Diet Coke to appeal to a new consumer base while at the sametime connecting with our core drinkers by preserving the essence of what makes this brandso special,” Rafael Acevedo, Diet Coke's group director, said in a statement. "Differentconsumers have different favorites, so it’s important to offer a range."
Coca-Cola found that when new drinkers try one of the flavors, they’re also more likely to reachfor original Diet Coke, which first launched in 1982.

The Atlanta-based beverage maker said that the Diet Coke refresh helped turn sales aroundafter at least half a decade of decline.
The soda industry continues to face criticism over what carbonated beverages may do toAmericans' unhealthy diets and obesity rates and opposition to its products in the form ofso-called soda taxes in various municipalities across the U.S.
For the first time ever, in 2016, bottled water topped Americans' list of favorite drinks, beatingsoda 12.8 billion gallons sold to 12.4 billion gallons sold, according to the research andconsulting company Beverage Marketing.
根据调研及咨询公司Beverage Marketing的消息,在2016年,瓶装水有史以来第一次成为了美国人最喜欢的饮料;瓶装水以128亿加仑的销售量打败了124亿加仑的汽水。