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    I ain't afraid of no..mountain lion? Runnerseverywhere should take lessons from this guy, and ifyou want to know why, then keep reading.


    When a Colorado runner came upon a mountain lionthat wanted to eat him, he choked the animal todeath with his own hands. He didn't want to kill thelion but he didn't want to die either, and at thatpoint, it was him or the animal.


    The man was running by himself on Horsetooth Mountain Open Space near Fort Collins, Colorado, when he heard something behind him. He turned to see an 80-pound mountain lionstaring him in the face, and then the animal attacked.

    该男子当时在科罗拉多柯林斯堡附近的马齿山公园(Horsetooth Mountain Open Space)独自跑步,突然间,他听到身后发出了声响。转身之后,他看到一头80磅重的美洲狮正直勾勾地盯着他,而后,美洲狮发动了攻击。




    The young lion bit his face and wrist but the man was able to break free and this is when hekilled the lion out of self defense. A necropsy report confirmed that the lion had suffocated. The young lion was less than a year old and tested negative for rabies.


    "The runner did everything he could to save his life. In the event of a lion attack you need todo anything in your power to fight back just as this gentleman did," warns Mark Leslie, ColoradoParks and Wildlife's northeast region manager.


    The runner had serious injuries and was taken to the hospital. He has since been released. Thetails at Horsetooth Mountain Open Space have been closed to the public after rangersencountered 'more mountain lion activity' in the area. They will reassess safety of the trails onFriday.


    "Mountain lion attacks are not common in Colorado and it is unfortunate that the lion'shunting instincts were triggered by the runner," said Ty Petersburg, area wildlife manager forColorado Parks and Wildlife. "This could have had a very different outcome."

    "在科罗拉多州,美洲狮袭击事件并不多见,不幸的是,这头狮子的狩猎本能被该男子激发了,"科罗拉多公园和野生动物的区域野生动物经理Ty Petersburg说道。"原本,孰生孰死的结果可能会截然不同。"

    According to officials, less than 20 people have been killed in North America by mountain lionsin more than 100 years. The runner was able to save himself but others should try to stayaway from lions.


      上一篇:13亿巨额财产,可能由一只猫继承? 下一篇:要谨慎对待消化酶补充剂


