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    国外最近出现一个新型在线服务Edit My Ex,收取一定的费用之后就可以帮你P掉合照上的前任,帮你留下一张美照。这样的服务,你觉得怎么样?

    Trying to move on from a failed romantic relationship can be hard, especially when your most beautiful travel photos feature your ex. A lot of people reluctantly delete such digital memories as part of a ritual known as “post-breakup purge”, but thanks to a new online service called Edit My Ex, that’s no longer necessary.

    试图走出一段失败的恋情可能会非常困难,尤其是当你发现自己最美的旅行照中都有前任的影子。尽管很多人都会不情愿地删除这些数字记忆,作为“分手后净化”仪式的一部分,但是有了这个名为Edit My Ex的新型在线服务,人们就不必再这么做了。

    purge[pɝdʒ]: n. 净化

    As the name suggests, Edit My Ex allows people who want to erase any evidence of their ex from meaningful digital photos to just have them edited out and keep the photos. All you have to do is upload a photo to their website, let the image editing experts know what exactly you’d like erased and pay a £8.99 fee. In up to 48 hours, you’ll get your photo back, ex-free.

    顾名思义,如果有人想要从具有纪念意义的数码照片中删除自己的前任,Edit My Ex就会替你将照片上的前任P掉,而保留其余部分。你只需要将照片上传到他们的网站,并且告诉图像编辑专家你想要删除的内容,然后再支付8.99英镑(约80元人民币)的费用即可。在最多48小时内,你就可以取回一张无前任的照片。

    Mark Rofe, the creator of Edit My Ex, came up with the idea for the online service after editing the ex-partner of a friend who had just come out of a bad relationship from one of her best photos, and giving it to her as a gift. She was delighted and cried with laughter when she saw the photo, and Mark saw first-hand how powerful the effect of removing someone’s ex from a photo could be. So he decided to make the service available to others as well.

    Edit My Ex的创建人马克·罗费在帮助一位朋友在其最好的一张照片中删除前任之后,萌生出了提供这项在线服务的想法。当时这位朋友刚刚结束一段糟糕的恋情,所以他想以此作为礼物送给她。当她看到这张照片时,非常高兴并且笑得眼泪都流出来了。就这样,马克亲眼见证了从某人照片中删除其前任的效果有多么强大。于是,他决定将这项服务也提供给其他人。

    Rofe said: “As someone with a background in design, I thought that I could put my skills to good use to make someone going through a break-up smile, and with my team of designers, we can’t wait to start helping others regain their favorite photos without any unwelcome additions.”



    Photos: Edit My Ex

    Edit My Ex charges a fee of £8.99 per edited photo, but offers £6.99 per photo if you need their experts to work on at least four photos. The Edit My Ex website states that some photos may be too complicated to work on, in which case they can work on an alternative image, or issue a full refund.

    目前,Edit My Ex每编辑一张照片收取8.99英镑的费用,但如果你需要他们的专家为你处理至少四张照片的话,每张照片则收费6.99英镑。Edit My Ex在其网站上指出,某些照片可能因过于复杂而无法处理,在这种情况下,他们可以为你处理另外一张照片,或者提供全额退款。


      上一篇:可别再周末补觉啦! 下一篇:为啥别人给你拍的照片总是那么丑?


