It would take a very, very long time for the flavour to be affected enough to be completelyunacceptable -- and even then it would still be safe.
Even if all of the remaining carbon dioxide has broken down into sour acid (which would takeyears in an unopened can), it's still far more dilute and less acidic than your stomach acid, assuming you can handle the terrible flavour.
Soda is usually consumed well before this becomes a problem, of course.

One caution should be made: any sodas that contain real fruit juice, like orange soda, grapesoda, etc., should be viewed as potentially unsafe after their expiration. They can mould orferment rapidly once the container is opened, in the case of aluminum cans, and glass orplastic bottles which have less perfect seals should be viewed as unsafe even before opening.
PS: The date on the packaging is the "Optimum Taste Date." This is the date by whichcompanies recommend you to consume the beverage in order to enjoy the optimum taste.