There was an image in my mind of a certain kind of woman - professional, feminine, poised- that I wanted to embody. I saw these women daily, year after year, backstage to the halls ofpower, on benches by the ladies' room, changing in and out of comfortable and uncomfortableshoes.

These were power heels, and they were worn by women from all over the world. They wereleopard print, or green and scaly. They were amaranthine and violaceous. They were black andshiny as Japanese lacquer, with a shock of red on the sole. Some were plain, butuncomfortable anyway. What is not in dispute is that all of these statement shoesinvariably came with an appendage like an exclamation point: stiletto.
When I worked in a formal office setting, high heels were never of any special interest to mebeyond the fact that I liked them, and wore them, and liked wearing them. I didn't fixate. Inever owned too many. If I'm honest, there were times when I liked the idea of wearing themmore than the actual wearing of the shoes. Still, without high heels, at work I didn't feel quiteput together. They made me feel powerful; suited up, like I was buckled in to the workday.
For better or worse, the high heel is now womankind's most public footwear. It is a shoe forevents, display and performance. In some settings and on some occasions, usually the mostformal, it is even required. High heels are something like neckties for women.
It's a shoe for when we're on, for ambition; for magazine covers, red carpets, award shows, boardrooms, courtrooms, parliament buildings and debate lecterns.