教程:时尚话题  浏览:307  
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    Washing too frequently tends to lead to dry skin. Showering rather than bathing, and keeping theshowers short, will reduce the leaching out of the"natural moisturising factor", a mix of compoundsthat helps to protect the skin's outer layer. Overlyhot water also has a drying effect, so warm or tepidwater is preferable.





    You could use a flannel or sponge, but when you are trying to preserve skin-barrierfunction, the best thing is skin-on-skin – so nothing rougher than fingertips. Stay away fromoverly fragranced products, which can cause allergic reactions. The problem with soap is thatit alters the skin's pH and disturbs its acid mantle – the barrier that protects us againstharmful bacteria and viruses, and also encourages healthy bacteria to live on the skin. Youcan buy cleansing bars, shower gels or body washes, but opt for soap-free, non-foaming, fragrance-free ones.

    你可以使用毛巾或海绵, 但如果想保护屏障功能的话,但是都比不上皮肤和皮肤直接摩擦好,所以最好不要使用尖且硬的指甲。远离香气过浓的产品,会引起过敏反应。香皂会改变皮肤的PH值,扰乱皮肤的酸性环境---这是保护皮肤远离有害细菌和病毒的屏障,而且也会促使健康的细菌在皮肤上生长。你可以买洁面皂,沐浴凝胶或沐浴露,但是要选无皂基,无泡沫,无香精的类型。

    For areas that have oil and sweat glands, such as your underarms and private parts, it is goodpractice to wash daily. The problems come if you shower morning and night and maybe showerat the gym as well. If you are washing three times a day, it will be a struggle to maintain skinhydration.


    After washing, pat skin dry. Avoid vigorous towelling as that can also damage the skin'sbarrier.


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