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    Kentuckians take their horse racing pretty seriously—so seriously, in fact, that one local artist is hoping to sell the poop of a Kentucky Derby winner for $200 a pop. As the Lexington Herald-Leader reports, Coleman Larkincollected the feces of Silver Charm, the 1997 winner of the world-famous race, and preserved these “meadow muffins” in 16-ounce Mason jars filled with clear epoxy resin.

    肯塔基人对待赛马运动似乎非常认真,甚至认真到一位当地艺术家希望以200美元的价格出售一匹Kentucky Derby比赛冠军马的粪便。正如Lexington Herald-Leader网站所报道的那样,Coleman Larkin收集了曾于1997年在该世界著名马赛中赢得冠军的Silver Charm的粪便,并将这些“草甸松饼”装在了一个16盎司的玻璃罐中保存,还灌满了透明环氧树脂。

    May 1, 2019The goods are being marketed as “Derby Turds,” and part of the proceeds will benefit Old Friends Farm, the Georgetown, Kentucky-based home for retired Thoroughbreds where Silver Charm now resides. In case counterfeit caca is a concern, each jar comes with a tag to prove that the poo did indeed come from a champion horse.

    从5月1日开始,这些商品正在以“Derby Turds”的名头上市销售,部分收益将令Old Friends Farm受益,后者是位于肯塔基州乔治敦的退休纯种马之家,而Silver Charm目前就居住在那里。值得一提的是,每个马粪罐子都由该艺术家亲手制作,为了防止有人造假,每个罐子还附带有一个标签,以证明罐中粪便确实来自于冠军马。


    For what it's worth, Silver Charm was one of the most popular race horses of the late 20th century, according to the National Museum of Racing and Hall of Fame, into which he was inducted in 2007. He also won the 1997 Preakness Stakes and nearly secured the Triple Crown, but ended up losing the Belmont Stakes.

    根据国家赛马博物馆与名人堂(它于2007年入选)的说法,Silver Charm是20世纪末最受欢迎的赛马之一。此外,它还赢得了1997年的Preakness Stakes赛,并近乎获得三冠王,但最终还是败在了Belmont Stakes赛上。

    Larkin said in a statement that preserving the poop is a labor-intensive process. “The most difficult step is probably the one where I have to ask the type of people that own million-dollar Thoroughbreds if I can please have some horse turds to put in jars,” he said.


    So what exactly is one supposed to do with a jar full of horse droppings? Kentucky for Kentucky, the outlet that’s selling a limited supply of Derby Turds online and in its Lexington store, has a few suggestions: “Put it on the mantle in your Old Kentucky Home and be whisked away to a sophisticated world of mint juleps and seersucker every time you see it. Set one on your windowsill and let the sunlight sparkle upon this exquisite specimen of equine excrement. Or plop one in your fluorescent dungeon of an office as the perfect metaphor for your life of neverending horseshit.”


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