Two orcas at Loro Parque zoo in Spain have been captured touching mouths and nibbling tongues in a believed display of affectionate reconciliation, supporting claims of shared social traits with humans.
The orca whales have been observed for a study published on June 18 in Zoo Biology, 'Social interaction analysis in captive orcas'.
"We conducted a detailed analysis of social relationships shown by the orcas kept at Loro Parque zoo and their tendency to reconcile after aggressive episodes," says the Zoo Biology study summary.
"We documented the pattern "gentle tongue bite", where an animal touches the other's tongue with his teeth but does not bite it."
A recent study published in the American Psychological Association Journal says that orcas appear to share certain behavioural characteristics with both humans and chimpanzees.
A press release summary says the findings "suggest some evolutionary convergence where the personality traits of killer whales and primates are similar because of the advanced cognitive abilities required for complex social interactions".
Arguing orcas have been seen to bite, jostle and act aggressively towards each other. Scientists believe subsequent affectionate behaviour is indicative of whales resolving the quarrel. They have also noted orcas will return to a synchronised swimming form after making peace.
The behaviour could help further illuminate methods of conflict resolution in killer whales, who are recognised as an incredibly socially-adept species.