Just when we think we’ve seen everything, nature finds another way to amaze us. Artist and photographer Christian Spencer was spending the day on his verandah in Rio de Janeiro when he noticed something wonderful. The sun striking the wings of a Jacobin hummingbird, producing a beautiful prism effect. At that moment, it looked as if the tiny birdy was a tiny flying rainbow.
Christian Spence captured the sun illuminating a black Jacobin hummingbird
It created is a prism effect which makes it look as though the creature’s body is as colorful as a rainbow
“There is no special technique, just diffraction of light through the wings of this special hummingbird”
In 2011, Spencer captured the bird’s movements for a film called The Dance of Time. Since then, it has received 10 international awards as well as three best film honors. But there were more rainbow hummingbirds to come. A few years later, Spencer revisited the subject. “I decided to try and photograph the same phenomenon with my camera,” he said. His latest creative endeavors resulted in a series called Winged Prism, and for Spencer, the images reveal “a secret of nature that cannot be seen with our eyes.”
Spencer said he didn’t use any digital manipulation while creating the series. “There is no special technique,” he explained, “just diffraction of light through the wings of this special hummingbird.”
“Nobody ever could have ever dreamed that this was a reality. I receive emails every day from people across the world touched by these images.”
More info: christianspencer.pro.br
Image credits: christianspencerphoto