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    There’s A Southern Version Of Zodiac Signs And The Descriptions Are Hilariously Accurate


    We’re so used to the zodiac signs, it’s probably impossible to imagine they could be something else. But Liz Dial, a social media specialist with Red Clay Media’s brand, “It’s a Southern Thing,” did. She has created an illustration series imagining what the Zodiac would look like if the signs were southern. The new “constellations” are perfect if you want to get to know the modern Southerner.

    我们已经习惯了黄道十二宫,很难想象它们会是别的什么东西。但红粘土媒体品牌“这是一件南方的事”的社交媒体专家莉兹戴尔(Liz Dial)做到了。她创作了一系列插画,想象如果星座是南方的,十二宫会是什么样子。如果你想了解现代南方人,新的“星座”是完美的。

    “It’s tough to describe what a ‘typical’ Southern person is because we’re such a diverse place,” Dial told Bored Panda. “The old stereotypes about Southerners couldn’t be further from the truth. We don’t all look the same and (believe it or not) we don’t all talk the same, either. But one thing that brings us together is respect. Manners are an important part of Southern culture and we’re taught at an early age to show kindness to everyone. We also all suffer through the same miserable and humid summers.”

    戴尔在接受Bored Panda网站采访时表示:“很难描述一个‘典型’的南方人是什么样子的,因为我们是一个多元化的地方。对南方人的旧成见与事实相去甚远。我们长得不一样(信不信由你),说话也不一样。但让我们走到一起的是尊重。礼仪是南方文化的重要组成部分,我们从小就被教导要对每个人都表现出善意。我们也都经历着同样悲惨潮湿的夏天。”

    You could say Liz has been developing this project for a while now. “I’ve always thought that the “The signs as ___” are so funny, especially when someone has assigned random objects to the zodiac but they still somehow make sense and ring true for the signs. That’s what we were trying to do with this series. We made it relatable to our audience of mostly Southerners but also had it line up with the signs for astrology fans. We didn’t want it to be completely random, so the animals actually do have traits that are stereotypical for the signs.”


    Liz said that astrology for Southerners themselves is like a fun personality quiz. “Some people take it more seriously than others, but it’s an interesting way to look at yourself and the people in your life and everyone’s different responses to situations. It is interesting that so many people responded to the series with comments like ‘this is so true!’ and ‘haha so me!’. That made us feel like we had done it right.”


    The “us” that Liz is referring to is “It’s a Southern Thing.” “[We’re] a lifestyle and culture brand that does exactly what Southerners do best – tell stories. We talk about what it’s like to live in the South, the places we visit, the food we eat, and the music we listen to. We have a little something for everyone, and at the end of the day, we hope it makes them proud to call the South their home.”


    More info: southernthing.com | Instagram

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