No means no — even for Grandma.
An Australian program is trying to educate young children on sexual consent by explaining they have the right to even tell Granny to hold back on her kisses.
But the push is taking heat — from the older generation.
The Respectful Relationships program being taught in Victoria schools is meant to help kids learn to say no to unwanted physical contact. But in one “child-friendly” example, educator Margie Buttriss ignited a firestorm when she told kids they have the right to turn down sloppy kisses from their grandmas.
维多利亚学校开设的“尊重关系”课程,旨在帮助孩子学会拒绝不必要的身体接触。但在一个“儿童友好”的例子中,教育家玛吉·巴特里斯(Margie Buttriss)告诉孩子们,他们有权拒绝奶奶草率的亲吻,这引发了轩然大波。
“We’re talking about situations such as Grandma wants to swoop in for the big sloppy kiss, and if the child doesn’t want that to happen, what can they do,” she said, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.
“And they can respectfully say, ‘No thanks, Grandma, let’s have a hug instead.’ Or if it’s someone they don’t know, ‘Let’s high-five, let’s fist-bump.’ ”
That didn’t sit well with oldsters, who quickly politicized the program as they raged about it online.
“’No thanks Grandma’: Children taught to say no to sloppy kisses to understand consent. This rot bought about by some extreme lefty who never had a granny,” wrote Twitter user Dennis Barr, who identifies himself as a 69-year-old with “greatgranddaughter Aussies.”
“So a kiss from granny is now abuse?” raged Twitter user @1Swinging_Voter.