People love to scroll through glossy photos of Instagram influencers with both awe and envy - but one Instagrammer decided to get real with her followers and remind them not everything online is as it seems. Amsterdam based vlogger Rianne Meijerhas 353k followers and a plethora of gorgeous images that document her life of fashion and travel, but as Meijer revealed, the key to an enviable photo is all about the angle.
人们喜欢带着敬畏和嫉妒的心情浏览Instagram上有影响力的人物的光鲜照片,但一位Instagram用户决定与她的粉丝们坦诚相处,并提醒他们,网络上的一切并不像看上去的那样。阿姆斯特丹的vlogger用户Rianne 梅杰有353k名粉丝,有很多美丽的图片记录了她的时尚和旅行生活,但是正如梅杰透露的,一张令人羡慕的照片的关键在于角度。
In a series of side-by-side shots, she shared magazine-worthy poses next to hilariously candid (and not as flattering) photos in the same outfit. In her caption Meijer wrote: "So while waiting here at the airport in Berlin I figured no better way to spend my time than to keep it real. This is not gonna be some long emotional story but just a little small reminder that every pic you see on my account is one in a hundred (or sometimes four hundred) and it was all about the right angle, right lighting and of course the right filter. Nothing perfect about me and nothing perfect about my life (except for @royatiya, and my parents). Just a girl with big dreams who’s going to regret posting this in 1,2,3..."
More info: Instagram
图片来源:Sofie Tapia