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    14 young people in two states hospitalized after vaping


    Fourteen teens and young adults have been hospitalized in Wisconsin and Illinois for breathing problems potentially linked to vaping, health officials in both states announced Friday.


    In Wisconsin, severe lung disease has sent 11 people to the hospital, according to the state's Department of Health Services. That's three more than the eight cases the state reported in late July.

    据威斯康辛州卫生服务部(Department of Health Services)说,该州有11人因严重肺病住院。这比该州7月底报告的8例病例多出3例。


    And in Illinois, three young people have been hospitalized for severe breathing problems after vaping, the state Department of Public Health announced Friday. "The names and types of vaping products, as well as where they were obtained, are still being investigated," the department said.


    'Some even needed assistance to breathe'


    Thomas Haupt, a respiratory disease epidemiologist with Wisconsin's Department of Health Services, said Friday that his state's cases were among young people, "otherwise normally healthy, and they were coming in with severe respiratory illnesses, and in some cases, they actually had to go to the intensive care unit and were placed on ventilators."

    威斯康星州卫生服务部(Department Of Health Services)呼吸系统疾病流行病学家托马斯·豪普特(Thomas Haupt)周五表示,威斯康星州的病例都是年轻人,“其他情况下正常健康,他们会患上严重的呼吸系统疾病,在某些情况下,他们实际上不得不去重症监护病房,需要使用呼吸机。”

    The lung disease looked like it was caused by an infection, "but every test has come back completely negative," Haupt told CNN. Regarding any links between the cases, "the only thing at this point is vaping, but we don't know what they vaped, where they got their vaping liquids, all this needs to be determined at this point."


    Chuck Warzecha, a deputy administrator at Wisconsin's health department, said that "all of them were hospitalized with shortness of breath, fatigue and chest pain. Some even needed assistance to breathe." While the patients are "generally improving," it is unclear what long-term effects they might face, he said.

    威斯康星州卫生部副行政人员查克·沃泽查(Chuck Warzecha)说,“所有人都因呼吸急促、疲劳和胸痛住院。有些人甚至需要帮助呼吸。”他说,虽然患者“总体上有所改善”,但尚不清楚他们可能会面临什么长期影响。

    The majority of Wisconsin's cases were in the southeastern part of the state, said Haupt. In Illinois, the state's three hospitalized patients were from the northeastern part of the state, which borders Wisconsin. It's not yet known whether the cases in both states are linked to a common source, such as a vape product or e-liquid.


    Dr. Ngozi Ezike, director of the Illinois Department of Public Health, told CNN that her team has "talked to people from Wisconsin" and is gathering data and running tests. "We have a lot of unanswered questions at this time," she said.

    伊利诺伊州公共卫生部主任Ngozi Ezike博士告诉CNN,她的团队已经“与来自威斯康星州的人交谈”,并正在收集数据和进行测试。她说:“我们现在有很多未回答的问题。”Ezike说。


    As in Wisconsin, the Illinois cases included coughing, shortness of breath, fatigue and sometimes chest pain that worsened over time, according to Ezike. The cases also occurred in people with "no known lung problems or previously diagnosed pulmonary issues," she said.


    'Potentially toxic substances' in vapes, committee says


    There were questions about the safety of vaping even before the recent hospitalizations. The American Lung Association, for example, says it is "very troubled by the evolving evidence about the impact of e-cigarettes on the lungs."

    甚至在最近住院治疗之前,人们就对电子烟的安全性提出了质疑。例如,美国肺脏协会(American Lung Association)表示,它“对电子烟对肺部影响的不断发展的证据感到非常不安”。

    Chemicals" that can "cause lung disease, as well as cardiovascular (heart) disease."


    An expert committee of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine reported last yearthat there is "conclusive evidence that in addition to nicotine, most e-cigarette products contain and emit numerous potentially toxic substances."


    Scientists are unsure how those substances may contribute to lung disease, if at all. But the committee said there is "moderate evidence for increased cough and wheeze in adolescents who use e-cigarettes" and tied vaping to "an increase in asthma exacerbations."


      上一篇:我前往地球上最深、最古老的湖泊——贝加尔湖,去捕捉它超凡脱俗的美丽 下一篇:一男子从鳄鱼嘴里救狗


