Do you have pounds to lose but don't have a weight loss plan? If you are seriously considering how to go about shedding pounds, there are three proven levels of intervention, depending on your individual needs.
Intervention 1: Lifestyle changes
Intervention 2: Medications
Intervention 3: Surgery
Our first intervention begins and ends with yourself.
"If you really want to keep weight off, it requires permanent lifestyle changes. ... There are no quick fixes," said Mascha Davis, a registered dietitian and national spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. "Otherwise, the weight loss is temporary, and you can gain it back when you go back to old habits."
“如果你真的想减肥,就需要永久改变生活方式,没有快速的解决办法。注册营养师、营养与饮食学会(Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics)全国发言人马斯查·戴维斯(Mascha Davis)说。“否则,减肥只是暂时的,当你重拾旧习惯时,体重会反弹。”
To get started on your weight loss journey, Davis recommends looking at three areas of your lifestyle that might require change: food, exercise and sleep. "I call it a trifecta approach, because these three things are essential to keeping weight loss sustainable," she said.
For example, in the diet category, you might start eating more fiber-rich vegetables and aim to drink more water. Being more physically active might involve simply getting up every hour if you have a desk job, taking the stairs instead of the elevator and parking your car farther from an entrance.
Going to the gym regularly is helpful, but don't expect it to make up for those morning doughnuts. Generally speaking, the amount of exercise required to make up for diet damage is huge (think of walking briskly for nearly two hours to burn off a 500-calorie piece of cake) and explains why diet is generally more crucial than exercise for weight loss.
Since sleep impacts hunger and satiety hormones, getting enough Zs is another lifestyle factor that can make or break your weight loss efforts.
"Sleep is essential for weight loss," Davis said. "I have clients who are doing all these great things with their eating habits and going to the gym, but they don't realize that a lack of sleep is really wrecking their goals."
If you're constantly tired and drinking coffee all day, you may need to make some adjustments. "Most adults need seven to eight hours of sleep ... and some need as many as nine. A lot of people are walking around sleep-deprived -- but the less sleep you get, the higher your weight tends to be," Davis said.
If you're not seeing any results after a couple of months, meeting with a professional who is aware of your health history and can personalize a plan based on your habits and food preferences can be extremely helpful. For those with medical conditions, it's especially important to avoid fad diets or diets that eliminate food groups and seek the expertise of an experienced registered dietitian.
If you are unable to lose weight or to continue losing after an initial loss despite making changes to your diet, exercise and sleep habits, and you've ruled out other possible causes that might prevent weight loss, such as hypothyroidism or Cushing's syndrome or prescriptions associated with weight gain, it might be time to consider a weight loss medication.