At 47 years old and with a list of bodily injuries that reads like a medieval saga, I never thought I could finish a half-marathon.
I'm the mom of two very active young boys. I have a work schedule filled with national TV appearances, the completion of my next book and my private medical practice.
But more serious: How could I possibly run 13.1 miles at my age and with all my injuries? I have a 30-year history of knee and back problems, including three surgeries and dozens of injections.但更严重的问题是:我怎么可能在这个年龄跑13.1英里,而且还受了那么多伤?我有30年膝盖和背部问题的历史,包括三次手术和几十次注射。
I always dreamed of running a half-marathon, but I didn't think it was physically possible. The list of reasons why I couldn't was simply too long.我一直梦想着跑一场半程马拉松,但我认为这在身体上是不可能的。我不能的原因实在是太长了。
Despite all this, in a momentary lapse of judgment, I joined a group of moms who were training for a half-marathon.
I now feel like the poster child for "Yes, you can still run a half-marathon, despite what ails you."
My knee
At age 16, I tore my right knee's ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) while playing soccer. I was in full leg immobilizer for six weeks. The severity of the injury was unknown, so they didn't operate.
During my third year of medical school, without an ACL, my knee essentially dislocated, and I could barely walk.
Surgeons repaired it using a hamstring graft, which at the time was newer and showed faster recovery. Six years later, I tore the meniscus in that same knee. When the surgeons did the meniscal repair, they said my ACL graft had failed.
I have poor stability in that knee joint, as I opted not to repair it again. It would have required significant down time, and the surgeon said that if I kept my supporting leg muscles strong, I would probably be OK.
The pain has been chronic on and off. I've also had several injections for the pain, and I always wear a brace during exercise to support that knee.
My back
During the second year of my medical residency, after a kickboxing class, I was walking down the hall at the hospital and noticed that my left foot was not flexing properly (it was making a flapping noise on the ground).
I was in surgery two days later for a massive disc herniation in my spine; 85% of the L5 disc was protruding into my spinal column and pressing on the nerves, causing my neurologic symptoms, which included weakness and numbness.
The surgery lasted seven hours due to extensive scar tissue surrounding the disc (I had been in pain for years and never had the pain evaluated), and the recovery was very long and slow.
My neurosurgeon warned me that I was going to have to be much more careful in the future with my exercise regimen or I would have even more significant back problems.
At this point, I was getting the weekly mileage in, but I was running very slowly, and my former high school athlete side got the best of me. I decided to push myself and try to go a little faster on a 3-mile run to see whether I could improve my time. And that is when the trouble began. I felt OK immediately after the run, but the next day, I could not stand up straight and was suffering terrible back pain.
He gave me a crash course in the pose method of running and put me through a number of exercises and drills to improve my running form. I felt the change immediately: much less strain on my back, and my running felt faster and more effortless.
Since the race was only two weeks away, I didn't have time for a second session, but I felt confident that despite my setbacks, I was going to finish the race.