On an early spring day in 2018, the faint smell of formaldehyde floating in the air, 26-year-old medical student Warren Nielsen and four of his classmates prepped a cadaver in the chilly dissection lab at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland.
2018年早春的一天,空气中飘着淡淡的甲醛味,26岁的医科学生沃伦·尼尔森(Warren Nielsen)和四名同学在寒冷的解剖实验室里准备了一具尸体。解剖室位于波特兰的俄勒冈健康与科学大学(Oregon Health and Science University)。
Similar groups of five gathered around bodies on the other 15 tables in the anatomy class, all eager to explore the mysteries of the human body they had seen only in textbooks.
The cadaver assigned to Nielsen's team was a 99-year-old woman who had died of natural causes. Her name was Rose Marie Bentley, but the students didn't know that then. To honor and respect the privacy of those who offer their bodies to science, no further details are given medical students about the person who had once inhabited the body lying on the silvery slab before them.
But as the students and their professors were soon to find out, Bentley was special, so special she deserved her own unique spot in medical literature and history books.
The reason? A condition called situs inversus with levocardia, in which most vital organs are reversed -- almost like a mirror inside the body. That, along with a host of other weird but wonderful abnormalities, made Bentley a sort of medical unicorn.
原因?这是一种叫做左心静脉曲张(situs inversus with levocardia)的情况,在这种情况下,大多数重要器官都发生了逆转——几乎就像体内的一面镜子。这一点,加上许多其他奇怪但奇妙的异常,使宾利成为一种医学上的独角兽。
"I think the odds of finding another person like her may be as remote as one in 50 million," said assistant professor Cameron Walker, who teaches the Foundations of Clinical Anatomy class at Oregon Health and Science University. "I don't think any of us will ever forget it, honestly."
“我认为找到另一个像她这样的人的几率可能只有五千万分之一,”在俄勒冈健康与科学大学教授临床解剖学基础课程的助理教授卡梅隆·沃克(Cameron Walker)说。“说实话,我不认为我们任何人会忘记这件事。”
'This is totally backwards'
On this March day, the assignment was to open the body's chest cavity to examine the heart. It wasn't long before Nielsen's group began to question their fledgling medical knowledge.
"Her heart was missing a large vein that's normally on the right side," Nielsen said.
Bewildered, he and his team called the professors over and asked: "Where's the inferior vena cava? Are we missing it? Are we crazy?"
"And they kind of rolled their eyes," Nielsen said, "Like, 'how can these students miss this big vessel?' And they come over and that's when the hubbub starts. They're like 'Oh, my God, this is totally backwards!' "
A typical body has a large vein called the vena cava that follows the right side of the vertebral column, curving under the liver and emptying deoxygenated blood into the heart.
Bentley's vein was on the left, and instead of terminating directly into the heart, which is typical, "her vein continued through her diaphragm, along the thoracic vertebrae, up and around and over the aortic arch and then emptied into the right side of her heart," Walker said.
"Normally speaking, none of us have a vessel that does that directly," he added.
'Mom would have been so tickled'
Rose Marie Phelps was born in 1918 in Waldport, a small town on the Oregon coast. The youngest child of four, "she was babied," said daughter Patti Helmig, who at 78 is the oldest of her five children. "She would admit she was spoiled."
A hairdresser by trade, Bentley was always fascinated by science, Helmig remembered, and she believes her mother would have made a fine nurse if she had been given the opportunity to train.
"She volunteered during World War II for one of the nurse's aid corps," Helmig said. "And she was thrilled when someone reached out to her about doing a study on smallpox survivors, which she had as a child."