Twenty-five years ago today, on February 5, 1993, President Bill Clinton signed the Family and Medical Leave Act. The first and only federal leave legislation in the United States, it guarantees nearly 60% of employees 12 weeks of job-protected unpaid leave to take care of a new baby, a sick relative or their own serious medical condition.
While happy with the new legislation, family leave advocates -- some of whom had spent the better part of a decade fighting for the policy -- didn't consider it an outright victory at the time. The law was better from nothing, yes, but also far from ideal.
It leaves out lots of men and women (it doesn't cover freelancers and those who work at companies with fewer than 50 employees, for example), it offers nothing in the way of income replacement, and the time period is too short, at least compared with more family-friendly countries such as France, the Netherlands and Spain, all of which offer 16 weeks at full wage replacement.
"We always knew that we needed to expand it," said Ellen Bravo, executive director of Family Values @ Work, a network of 27 state coalitions pushing for paid sick days and paid family leave.
“我们一直知道,我们需要扩大它,”家庭价值观@ Work的执行董事埃伦布拉沃(Ellen Bravo)说。这个由27个州联盟推动带薪病假和带薪家庭假组成的网络。
Bravo and others advocates have continued the fight, making gains on the state level and encouraging businesses to expand their paid leave policies and offer them to more employees, including men and part-time workers.
They've also turned paid leave into a talking point used by politicians on both sides of the aisle, most recently heard as a pledge from President Donald Trump during last week's State of the Union address.
他们还把带薪休假变成了两党政客们的谈资,最近的一次是唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)总统在上周的国情咨文演讲中做出的承诺。
Even with all these successes, the federal policy has remained unchanged since Clinton signed it a quarter-century ago. The United States still holds the unenviable title of being the only industrialized country that does not offer all of its citizens paid family leave. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, only 14% of civilian workers had access to paid leave in 2016, and that's only thanks to state laws or employer largess.
尽管取得了这些成就,联邦政策自25年前克林顿签署以来一直没有改变。美国仍然是唯一一个不向所有公民提供带薪家庭假的工业化国家,这一头衔并不令人羡慕。根据美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)的数据,2016年,只有14%的文职员工可以享受带薪休假,这要归功于州法律或雇主的慷慨。
The current United States family leave policy harms women and men in all stages of life, in myriad ways. In particular, it holds long-lasting consequences for new mothers. Not receiving paid time off holds women back professionally and financially. Limited and unpaid leave also has a less quantifiable, but nevertheless damaging, effect on their mental health.
Work leave and mental health
Research has connected the dots between inadequate paid leave policies and higher incidences of clinically diagnosable anxiety and depression among women, both during the postpartum period as well as later in life. However, paid leave advocates and experts in maternal mental health believe that many more women experience psychological anguish as a result of these insufficient policies, even if it doesn't land them in a therapist's office or with a Prozac prescription.
'How am I going to move forward?'
Melissa Marion Henriquez, a 38-year-old mother of two in Kalamazoo, Michigan, received no paid leave from her employer with either of her children. She cobbled together short leaves by combining short-term disability payments and vacation time but ultimately took only 12 weeks off with each child, eight weeks of which were partially paid.
38岁的梅丽莎·马里恩·亨利克斯(Melissa Marion Henriquez)是密歇根州卡拉马祖(Kalamazoo)两个孩子的母亲。她把短期伤残补助和假期结合起来,拼凑出了短假,但最终每个孩子只休了12周的假,其中8周是部分支付的。
"Leaving them at day care that early was traumatic. The day care center had a webcam, and that's how I made it through the workday," Marion Henriquez said. "It was extremely painful. I never had postpartum depression, but I definitely had moments when I said, 'I can't do this.' ... I felt like I was being a bad mom and a bad employee, especially in the first months after their birth, when I had a total lack of confidence. It took two years with each kid before I thought, 'I can handle it.' "