A walk around the park could boost a person’s mood as much as the arrival of Christmas, a new study from the University of Vermont has found, providing a needed emotional pick-me-up for city dwellers.
佛蒙特大学(University of Vermont)的一项新研究发现,在公园里散步可以像圣诞节到来一样让人心情愉悦,为城市居民提供了必要的情绪提神剂。
Studying vocabulary from thousands of tweets published by people from within San Francisco parks, researchers at the University of Vermont found visits to green spaces were important for buoying people’s spirits.
佛蒙特大学(University of Vermont)的研究人员研究了旧金山公园内人们发布的数千条推特上的词汇,发现参观绿地对振奋人们的精神很重要。
The mood boost was so strong, researchers said it was equivalent to the spike of joy seen on Christmas Day — the happiest day of the year online, according to the paper published Tuesday by the British Ecological Society.
据英国生态学会(British Ecological Society)周二发表的一篇论文,研究人员称,这种情绪的增强是如此强烈,相当于圣诞节这一年中最快乐的一天。
Researchers suggested the findings could have important implications for the relationship between urban planning and mental health.
“In cities, big green spaces are very important for people’s sense of well-being,” lead researcher Aaron Schwartz said in a press release.
“We’re seeing more and more evidence that it’s central to promoting mental health,” co-author Taylor Ricketts added.
The effects lasted for up to four hours afterward, with people expressing less negativity and using happier language on social media than before their visit, researchers claimed.
Simply leaving the office and getting outside was not enough. People were happier and less self-absorbed after visiting large regional parks with more tree cover and greenery.
Smaller neighborhood parks and mostly paved civic squares had the least mood elevation — meaning a walk around Central Park will cheer you up a lot more than a stroll around Union Square.
“Being in nature offers restorative benefits on dimensions not available for purchase in a store, or downloadable on a screen,” paper co-author Chris Danforth said.