We’re all used to reading snappy headlines on the Daily Mail website that objectify celebrities, debating whether they look good or not. Every single time they leave their homes and venture into the streets, the paparazzi are on them like vultures, snapping as many photos as they can. Whether the photos are flattering or frankly embarrassing, the paparazzi don’t care. Because of how tabloid culture works, their work is eaten up by avid readers worldwide either way. With people commenting on how ‘sizzling’ (or not) the celebrities look, and whether they’re dressed stylishly enough.
One Twitter account, the Daily Male Online, pokes fun at how absurdly the Daily Mail’s presents female stars by posting similar photos of male celebrities and writing up identical headlines that objectify them. The results are hilarious because they show how unflatteringly women are treated by tabloids everywhere, and that double standards do, in fact, exist in popular media.
推特账号“每日男性在线”(the Daily Male Online)调侃道,《每日邮报》(Daily Mail)给女明星的礼物是多么荒唐可笑,它发布了类似的男明星照片,并以相同的标题将其物化。这个结果很搞笑,因为它显示了世界各地的小报对女性的态度是多么的不奉承,事实上,大众媒体确实存在双重标准。
The Daily Male is an up-and-coming Twitter account with over 560 followers. Among the stars the account uses to make fun of tabloid culture are ex-California governor and movie legend Arnold Schwarzenegger, as well as actor Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson.
The Daily Male是一个很有前途的Twitter账号,拥有560多名粉丝。该账号取笑小报文化的明星包括前加州州长、电影传奇人物阿诺德•施瓦辛格以及演员巨石强森。
It should come as no surprise to anyone that tabloids everywhere have clear double standards when it comes to how they present male and female celebrities to the public. After all, tabloids are, first and foremost, businesses. They do whatever brings them the most profit. And readers, clearly, respond to what tabloids do. I’ll leave it to you to decide whether this says anything about our society (or human beings) as a whole.
The Huffington Post wrote about a video called “The Experiment” where writer Kate Hardie and lighting technician Andy Lowe illustrate that these double standards are far from a myth. The pair cut out pictures of men and women from the popular British daily newspaper The Sun and showed just how different they really are when compared side by side.
《赫芬顿邮报》(Huffington Post)曾写过一段名为《实验》(The Experiment)的视频,视频中,作家凯特•哈迪(Kate Hardie)和灯光技师安迪•洛(Andy Lowe)说明,这些双重标准远非虚构。这对夫妇从英国最受欢迎的日报《太阳报》上剪下了男性和女性的照片,并将他们放在一起比较,显示出他们是多么的不同。
What do you think of tabloid culture as a whole? Do you think female celebrities are treated unfairly? Which one of The Daily Male’s headlines did you like best? Let us know in the comments below.
More info: Twitter
Image credits: MaleOnline1