A Mexican college student is alive after falling 80 feet from her balcony while practicing a yoga pose.
Alexa Terrazas, 23, was known to do yoga on her sixth-floor apartment’s balcony, often using the guardrail as a prop for extreme poses. But a risky move nearly cost the yogi her life on Saturday afternoon, as she slipped and landed on the pavement outside her building in the northeastern Mexican state of Nuevo León, according to reports in El Imparcial.
23岁的Alexa Terrazas在她六楼公寓的阳台上做瑜伽,她经常用护栏作为支撑来做极限姿势。但据《el Imparcial》报道,周六下午,一次冒险的行动差点让这位瑜伽爱好者丧命,因为她摔倒了墨西哥东北部新罗州的大楼外的人行道上,险些丧命。
The health and nutrition student at Tecnológico de Monterrey was treated by paramedics with the Red Cross and Nuevo León Civil Protection, then brought to the hospital, where she underwent 11 hours of surgery. She was considered to be in critical condition as of Monday, having suffered fractures to both legs and arms, hips and head.
El Imparcial reported that doctors had to “reconstruct” her legs, and that it may be three years before she walks again. People on social media asked their followers to consider giving blood to help her. As of Sunday, a relative of Terrazas tweeted that there was no need.
El Imparcial报道说,医生不得不“重建”她的腿,可能要过三年她才能再次行走。社交媒体上的人们要求她的粉丝考虑献血来帮助她。截至周日,Terrazas的一名亲戚在推特上说,没有必要这么做。
Neighbors claim they saw Terrazas perform the upside-down pose over the edge of her terrace. The Nuevo León Attorney General’s Office also confirmed that the rail was structurally sound, and that the woman’s slip was an accident.